"Guangming Daily" publishes the social contradictions and disputes of Zhoukou Public Secur

Author:Zhoukou Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.14

Since the second half of 2021, in accordance with the Henan Provincial Party Secretary Lou Yangsheng, the deputy governor of Henan Province, and Gu Xuefei, the head of the Provincial Public Security Department, resolved the risk contradictions at the grassroots level, and focused on solving the problem of "eating by the sky". The deployment requirement, Zhoukou City is based on the realistic characteristics of agricultural cities, population cities, and various potential contradiction risks. The strategy of the village (grid) alert, focusing on major contradictions, advanced detection and resolution, and focus on solving big problems with small incisions. After nearly a year of trial, the Public Security Bureau of Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, innovatively promoted the deep integration of the community police grid and the epidemic prevention and control grid, established and improved the active discovery of ten major contradictions and disputes, and the regulation and control mechanism was established. Probability events realize the advanced disposal of various types of risk hazards and precise bombs. On June 6, Zhoukou City held the city's major contradictions and disputes in the Public Security Bureau of Huaiyang District to actively discover the regulating management and control work.

On June 14, 2022, Guangming Daily In the 4th edition, the topic of "The contradiction was discovered in the early early, resolved in the small -Huaiyang District of Zhoukou, Henan", and continued to improve social governance in Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City. Effectiveness reports the experience of promoting social contradictions and disputes.

The full text is as follows:

Discover the contradiction in early, resolve in small

——Henan Huaiyang District, Henan Zhoukou continued to improve social governance efficiency

Bright Daily reporter Wang Shengxi

"The courtyard wall of my family was picked up. Isn't this a heart?" The villagers in Qili Temple Village, Zhengji Township, Huaiyang District, Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province rushed to the village police room and pulled up the "Village Police Police "Zhao Jianqiang left.

Zhao Jianqiang was a full -time auxiliary police officer of Qili Temple Village, "Village Police". The busy thing is to mediate the conflict and disputes in the village. Lao Zhang's annoyance is exactly what he wants to solve.

Activity, listening, registration, mediation, and reconciliation, busy at 9 am at 12 o'clock in the morning. Touching Hei'er rushed to the house, the small shop on the roadside was closed. Zhao Jianqiang had to soak herself a bowl of noodles to soothe the stomach that had long been hungry. "The dispute between the homestead is unsatisfactory. This is large or small. It is the source of many malignant criminal cases." Zhao Jianqiang said.

Extend the police tentacles and promote the "one village, one auxiliary police"

The predecessor of Huaiyang District is Huaiyang County. It is a typical agricultural district. How to find a large number of contradictions and disputes in early and resolved?

In order to prevent the source of contradictions and disputes to prevent "first -hand chess", since 2021, Huaiyang District has comprehensively implemented the "one village, one auxiliary police" system: Establish a high -standard police room in each village, arrange an auxiliary police in the village, eat to eat, eat, and eat Live in the village. "In the past, the villagers had a mouthful, and the police came at least 20 minutes. Now, the auxiliary police can come home in 5 minutes." Liang Aihua, Zhuzhuang Administrative Village, Wangdian Township, said happily.

The "Village Police" response is so fast and the handling is so skilled. What is the secret?

"Village Police" recruitment, in addition to political quality and age education requirements, also has a hard bar -must be based on villages, full -time majors. "First, to achieve familiarity, land, and cooked situation, block the blind spots of rural public security prevention and control; second, 24 hours of duty, timely resolve non -police police conditions such as dispute category, and save police resources. , Can we react quickly and hold the bottom. "Wang Qianhui, deputy head of the Huaiyang District and director of the Public Security Bureau, broke.

How to turn the full -time auxiliary police into a "fighting fortress" for the front line of conflict prevention and control? This requires both "embroidery skills" and must also be found. Huaiyang District actively carried out the "Five Star Police Room" to create activities, and transformed the "Five Star Police Room" as one of the preferred conditions for the full -time auxiliary police, so that the full -time auxiliary police had politically treated and lived in life. There are guarantees and mental inspiration; establish a three -level evaluation system of "red, yellow, and blue", and resolving advanced adjustment of the grading, and realizing the transformation of information and "active" discovery and "early" disposal.

"Nevertheless, to protect the 1334.56 square kilometers of Huaiyang District, to serve 1.5 million people, the police forces are obviously insufficient, and they must rely on the people to make up the enthusiasm and creativity of the masses." Wang Qianhui said.

In order to break through the bottleneck and improve the prevention system for major contradictions and disputes, Huaiyang District promotes the deep integration mechanism of the grid: the district public security bureau hires the district's epidemic prevention and control 484 grid length and 6415 grid staff to serve as public security information officers, according to "1 +1+N "mode, that is, a community police, a full -time auxiliary police, N -name epidemic prevention and control grid member, and establishing a third -level management of" Police Package, Auxiliary Police Village, Grid Package Point " model.

How effective is it? Look at a set of data: As of now, Huaiyang has investigated 510 major typical contradictions and disputes, with a resolution rate of 100%. Public security and criminal cases caused by contradictions and disputes decreased by 45.6%and 36.8%year -on -year, respectively, and 1.5 million population regions achieved zero murder cases, and violent crimes such as intentional injury decreased by 88.2%year -on -year.

Weaving the three -dimensional prevention and control network, the police streets and dynamics are prepared

"110? A case of fighting near the Taihao Mausoleum Scenic Area." In the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, the citizen called the 110 phone. In less than 3 minutes, the special police patrolling on the street quickly appeared on the scene for disposal. Public security hazards of consequences.

This rapid response team is another innovative measure for Huaiyang's major street crime prevention system. Taihao Mausoleum has more than 3 million tourists each year, with a maximum number of tourists from more than 800,000, with large people, and the situation of public security and transportation is complicated. In order to alleviate the pressure of the grassroots police station, Huaiyang District simultaneously integrated the functions of the traffic police, special police, and police stations in accordance with the standards of six traffic police, 12 special police, and 4 police stations. Carrying out group prevention and control patrols, participating in traffic management, preliminary disposal of police officers, and rapid disposal of emergencies, effectively solving problems such as excessive police procedures, long process, and delayed timing. Nearly 80%of the police conditions Being able to end on the spot, the alarm time is shortened from the previous average 15 minutes to about 5 minutes.

"In the past, a case was not over yet, and a new police situation was received. The police had to put down the work at hand and rushed to the scene. We continued the police, exhausted physically and mentally, and the people waiting for complaints." Taihao Ling Plaza The person in charge of the police officer said that there are many personnel and fast police, and the number of emergencies and cases with a large number of people is more efficient.

At present, Huaiyang District rationally divides the grid patrol area in the county and central towns. Police streets to achieve diligence.

"Now, the police go from the entrance of the store every half an hour. In fact, there are many places such as the bustling streets and schools in the urban area. The police and patrol cars can be seen anytime, anywhere, which makes us feel very safe. If there is anything, the police are around, and the police must be fast. "Zhang Qifeng, the owner of the old steamed noodle restaurant" Zhang Ji ", said.

"The level of social governance is related to the personal interests of the masses, and it is related to the harmony and stability of the society. To maintain the social environment of Guotai Min'an, it is necessary to continue to improve the effectiveness of social governance, so that the people's sense of gain, happiness, security are more fulfilling, more secure, more sustainable "Said Zhang Jian Party, Secretary of the Huaiyang District Party Committee.

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