Want to cry, the instructor hosted a graduation ceremony for me for me

Author:Xindi Time:2022.07.13


"Summer is pressed against", I often feel this way. What happened in summer, such as the graduation ceremony, such as some happy hugs, did not have the opportunity to happen.

Regrettable, of course.

So today I found this little story: a university teacher, a student gave a student a ceremony. Only two people's graduation ceremony.

Very touched. Recently, things have become fast. When they are discussing what is "necessary" and what is "unnecessary", someone is holding something we cherish.

The following is the self -described by this graduate@以.

The graduation ceremony of our school is held online.

The college held a Tencent meeting with a brief ritual. The leaders spoke, issued certificates, and took photos together.

I entered school 18 years and graduated in 22 years. Four years of college have a strong sense of break. Since the winter vacation in December last year, I have never returned to school. Most of the time, I am online at home.

On the day of graduation of online, I also found the photos taken on the day of college opening reports on the Internet disk, and my emotions suddenly became complicated. I have a lot of ideas for graduation. Buy flowers, take pictures, take a vlog ...

But it can also be said that I have never thought about it. I have never graduated. I can't imagine the feeling of me from the instructor and the moment I looked at the camera.

I can't imagine it at all.

In fact, in the incident of graduation, I did a lot of psychological construction for myself. Without the graduation ceremony, it must be regrettable at the moment, but after a while, the regret was diluted.

After graduating online, the school allows us to return to school in the past two days and clean up related procedures. The night before returning to school, I didn't sleep, and I always thought about what I should do in my mind.

I made an appointment with the instructor once, hoping to have the opportunity to take a photo, you can thank him in person. But my mentor is too busy. I don't think I can't take the photos and it's okay. My mentor is good enough to me.

That day, I turned a light makeup. I wanted to post false eyelashes and look a bit more eye -catching, but I couldn't help it. My mother booked a flower for me and went to the flower shop early in the morning.

Mom chosen as purple flowers as my school, and also with dew, there are several large flying swallows in it, as if symbolizing lightness, freedom and justice.

I temporarily found a school girl as a photographer. When I went to the instructor, I called him a phone call and did not get through. Later, he sent WeChat to let me go to the college's small lecture hall to wait for him half an hour later.

At that time, the only idea in my heart was that my mentor was very busy, don't let him wait for a long time.

In fact, I was nervous, because I rarely met offline with my mentor, and I was a social fear and I didn't know what to say to him.

But when the door of the lecture hall was opened, the school girl and I were dumbfounded.

My mentor changed into a very formal mentor suit. He said that I waited for a long time because he went to the college to borrow clothes and wanted me to help him get it, but afraid that I was busy, so I would not let me run around.

He turned his head and said to the sister who took the photo: "The little photographer waits first, and I will tell her the process first. After a while I stand on the stage, you come up from here, and I will come up with a gesture. "

I realized that he was going to hold a graduation ceremony alone.

After talking about the procedure, he said, "You have to match a happy, formal." He picked a song commonly used in the awards ceremony in his mobile phone. After listening to my mind, I asked him, "Do you still use the rehearsal?"

When I think he said these, it was cute and meticulous. Unlike teachers, like we usually do things with friends.

The innocence of that day, the sound of the graduates from the school is faintly outside, like the vegetable market. But the lecture hall is quiet.

On the podium, the venue for the online graduation ceremony has not been removed. The purple thick velvet curtains were surrounded by the lights. He stood on the stage where he often presided over conferences, academic reports, and awards, and it was natural.

The person who is at a loss is me.

I followed his instructions and climbed to the podium ignorant. The wooden floor on the podium is hollow, and it will make a sound when it is stepped on. There is no one on the stage. I think that if my parents can enter the school, they must try to witness.

In this way, for the first time, the last time I boarded there, on the last day of my student days.

My mentor stretched out his hand first and shook hands with me. He said happily, happily, and brightly, a happy graduation!

At that moment, I started to cry. In just a few minutes, I suddenly flashed many pictures in my mind. I thought that I could n’t write a paper, it ’s difficult to write the performance point, and I thought of my lonely and calm day and night.

He called me and helped me to dial the Liu Su on the right side of the bachelor's hat to the left to symbolize the completion of my studies. When I drew my head, I had to bow my head. I was too tall and changed to bow.

I am tired of learning, but at that moment, my respect for knowledge may reach a peak.

My mentor was very funny. During this time, he kept asking the schoolgirls who helped me take pictures. How did you take it?

I transformed into a Taoist machine. I know that if I do not control myself, I will run three pounds of pig tears.

Later, we co -authored. In order to let me take a few more, each action did very slowly. We are all good. I was a little childish, but we laughed very much.

After the end, we talked for a while. He encouraged me to let me work hard and live well. I feel that I will have a good future. Because of the epidemic, the recruitment of many units this year has been twisted. When I remembered that when I was anxious, my mentor comforted me, don't worry.

It's not the kind of "don't worry", but to tell me seriously, "If you have a very urgent thing, you will do it. Don't give up yourself because of a moment of embarrassment. "

This is where my mentor moved me the most.

He is willing and actively understanding students, understanding of your jerkyness, consideration of your logic and unsatisfactoryness, understanding the anxiety of your job to find a job, and even understanding me for forgetting the half -angle comma.

Just like at this moment, he understands the sense of ritual that you may care about, and the integrity of your graduation procedure. The very important day in your life is also precious to him.

Looking at the photo on the way home, I cried when I looked at it. I picked a few photos, sent it to the instructor, wrote a long small composition to express my gratitude, received his reply, and cried again. Sending a circle of friends, writing, crying again, in short, I have been crying.

I also told my parents and friends. They all felt incredible, and my friends mistakenly believed what academic wizards I was. of course not.

In this way, among the thousands of graduates of the college, I am the only person who has a complete graduation experience.

By the way, we especially want to do it. I want to make up for you to make up for a regret and make up for a graduation ceremony.

What are the graduation ceremony you imagined? How do you want to make it happen? What do you want to do on it? You can see what you want to wear. Essence If you have a good IDEA, please fill in the link to tell me. Now, please tell me what the graduation ceremony you want is like?

We are in groups, and we wish you all a happy graduation and promising future!

Writing: extended again

Editor: Ding Ding

Late prayer time:

I believe we will see you again,

I believe I will always miss it,

I believe we will be very good,

I believe everything I believe becomes a flame,

Shining each other's faces, and the vast sea of ​​people saw each other.

——Ghao Sister "Don't Say Goodbye"

Happy Graduation!

- END -

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