Deepen the year of work style construction activities

Author:Costrit Finance Time:2022.07.13

Since the launch of the "Main -style Construction Year" activity, the State Grid Maps Power Supply Center strictly implements the arrangements of provincial and state companies on the work arrangements of the year of work style construction. Refined implementation, condensing our hearts and hard work, and implementing various decisions and deployment in place.

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership and carefully deploy strict style construction

Comprehensively strengthen the construction of work style, continuously learn from the advanced experience of work style construction, strictly implement the requirements of normal learning, carefully study the party rules and disciplines such as the "Integrity and Self -Discipline" and "Disciplinary Regulations", and further improve the ability and level of work. Incorporating the construction of work style into the important agenda, the main responsible comrades fulfill the responsibilities of the first responsible person, continuously innovate the method of working, coordinate the promotion of work style construction and various key tasks, and in combination with the actual situation In place. Pay attention to work standards and improve quality and efficiency. Vigorously advocate the work style of "active care, serious and careful", that is, strengthen the follow -up supervision of leaders in charge, and do a good job of supervision of various majors and teams. Comprehensively implement the work mechanism of "January One List, January 1 Notice, January One Summary", and effectively rely on the responsibility to rely on the job and implement the work to people.

(2) Adhere to the problem orientation and high

Understand the situation in depth, listen to opinions and suggestions extensively, and promote mutual viewing, reference, and promotion of party organizations at all levels. Combining work style construction with various tasks, continuing to work hard on the shortcomings, strong weaknesses, and focus on solving the lack of systematic learning, insufficient connection at all levels, inadequate internal supervision, inadequate implementation of system implementation, party members of party members, party members Organizational concepts are not strong. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, strengthen the awareness of diligence and thrift, and effectively promote the center of the center to work more standardized and rigorous. Strictly control the number and scale of meetings, pay attention to the quality and efficiency of the conference, the majority of party members start from themselves to actively participate in the annual activities of work style construction. The sense of responsibility and mission has significantly enhanced, driving the overall work level to continuously improve.

(3) Strengthen the overall effectiveness, grasp the long -term strengthening of the style of work style

Establish and improve the long -term mechanism of work style construction, strengthen supervision and accountability, and consolidate existing results. Hold the theoretical and practical seminar of work style construction, deepen the theoretical research and laws of work style construction, and promote the practice of work style construction. The system construction runs through the entire process of work style, do a good job of "abolition and reform" of the system, establish and improve the "three meetings and one lesson" learning system, and rationalize various work processes. Through the year of work style construction, the majority of party members are always tightening the style of building a string, firmly establishing a consciousness of the construction of style forever, the work style has been significantly improved, the spiritual appearance is renewed, and the continuous development of the construction of the style of the style. (Pan Li)

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