The spirit of plowing for a long time, the new green rise, watch the theme promotional activity of Nanyang, walk into Wolonggang

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.14

Henan Daily client reporter Wang Yan

On July 12, the green rise and watched Nanyang theme propaganda activities walked into Wolonggang, Nanyang to understand the "spiritual spirit" of Zhuge Liang and taste the heavy cultural heritage of Nanyang.

Wolonggang is a cultural landmark of Nanyang. The ganglord is undulating here, twists and turns, and like Wolong. This is the place where Zhuge Liang has been farming for ten years. A long history and well -known cultural monuments at home and abroad.

Nanyang Wolonggang Wuhou Temple has a long history and can be traced back to the Wei and Jin dynasties. Nanyang Wuhou Temple is the richest place to commemorate Zhuge Liang's construction Chinese relics. There are more than 400 inscriptions. The inheritance of the three generations of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties is very clear. There are also ruins of the Song Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. It is unparalleled.

Zhuge Liang and Wolonggang are full of longness and thickness of Nanyang history and culture. In October 2019, the foundation of the Nanyang Wolonggang Cultural Park was launched, and the goal of "restoring Wolonggang and creating a 5A -level scenic spot" was clarified. Ecological Wolonggang, Cultural Wuhou Temple. The "5A" -level scenic spot of Wolonggang Wuhou Temple focuses on Wolonggang, Wuhou Temple, Han Painting Museum and its surrounding 1 square kilometers areas, with "one person, one post, one temple" as the core, with cultural protection, ecological ecology, ecological ecology Based on repair, based on the concept of "showing jobs", "seepage green" and "Zhicheng", the system has restored the original appearance of Wolonggang ecological ecology and creating a highland for cultural tourism in the province.

The Wolonggang Cultural Park Scenic Area covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 acres. The greenery of the park is intertwined with the water of the greenery. With all the mission and expectations of inheriting a large culture, building a big brand, and building a big city, Wolonggang will continue to write new legends in the new era.

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