Japanese media: The number of mothers on the mountain also exposed the number of mothers, and she had donated more than 100 million yen to the "unified education".

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.14

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" quoted relevant sources on the 13th that the mother of the Mountain of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan had donated more than 100 million yen to the "unified education" and sold it for this. The family's real estate and land eventually declared bankruptcy. The "Yomiuri News" said that police investigators have obtained the above testimony and judged that this behavior of his mother may also have strong dissatisfaction.

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Police investigators said that the mother on the mountain joined the "unified education" in 1998. In June 1999, in order to donate money to "unified education", she not only sold the land inherited from the grandfather from the mountain, but also sold the houses living with the three children. In 2002, the mother of Yamako Yoshiya went bankrupt. Investigators believed that this was caused by his large donations of "unified education". According to Japanese media reports, Yamako also graduated from high school in 1999 and joined the Japan Maritime Self -Defense Force in 2002.

It is reported that Yamako also confirmed to investigators: "My mother was unified by the 'unified teachings' as believers, sold the land of my loved ones without permission, and family life became a mess." Organization will not announce the specific amount of mothers donated on the mountain. (Zhou Yang)

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