Zhejiang introduced ten measures to stabilize foreign trade and stabilize foreign capital: the market is moving to foreign capital and stay

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

Zhejiang News Client reporter Zhang Kangjie Zhang Kangjie

Ensure that business personnel's entry and exit documents should be issued and can be issued quickly; organize business charter machines and regular flights to unblock business personnel entry and exit channels ... On the 13th, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Commerce that the province has issued the "Regarding the stability of foreign trade and stability and stability Ten measures for foreign capital (hereinafter referred to as "Measures"), many of them are the first in the country. These measures have proposed practical solutions for the recent concentrated demands of the enterprise.

Let the personnel go out. For foreign traders, participating in and visiting customers abroad is a necessary link to develop the market. The "Measures" mentioned that business charter machines and regular flights are unblocked in business personnel entry and exit channels. This will become one of the directions of Zhejiang.

In addition, the "Measures" also mentioned that the management mechanism of foreign trade enterprises was implemented, and the entry and exit management departments were guided to open special windows for business people. In mid -month, Hangzhou Zhongyi Industrial Co., Ltd. plans to send personnel to Germany to participate in the exhibition. "This is one of the most important ordering meetings in the world's leisure market. Because the epidemic has been suspended for two years, the company has prepared for this re -exhibition opportunity for a long time, but it is difficult to apply for the entry and exit documents during special periods." The company's relevant person in charge introduced. Under the coordination of the business system, the four salesperson finally successfully set off.

Let the market move. For most companies that cannot go to overseas exhibitions, the "Measures" encourages enterprises to develop the market with new models such as "exhibiting". Recently, the Provincial Department of Commerce has introduced a new number of provincial key exhibition directory, and it is not less than 50 games with the Provincial Department of Finance's key overseas professional exhibitions.

"There are more policy guarantees for participating in the exhibition, which can improve the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in exhibitions." Li Lin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce's Foreign Trade Development Division, interpreted.

Let more foreign capital stay. The "Measures" list a number of specific measures to stabilize foreign investment, of which "establish a major foreign project service service through traffic mechanism" proposes to build a green channel for provincial leaders to communicate directly with high -level enterprises. "In the investigation, we found that many foreign -funded enterprises' executives will have the willingness to directly talk to the provincial leaders to invest in Zhejiang." Yu Ruifeng, director of the Foreign Investment Division of the Provincial Department of Commerce.

As a large -scale economic province, the stability of foreign trade in Zhejiang is building a confidence for economic growth. According to statistics from Hangzhou Customs, in 2021, the scale of import and export in our province ranked third in the country; in the first quarter of this year, the foreign trade import and export increase in foreign trade in our province contributed to the country; In the provinces and cities, Zhejiang's import and export and imports are the first.

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