Central Bank: my country's economy has shown a significant recovery momentum

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.14

Further promote financial institutions to reduce corporate financing costs, and to consolidate the economy to resume the creation of appropriate monetary financial environment

Reporter Liu Qi

"As the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, and the economic package policy and measures to accelerate the effectiveness of landing, my country's economy has shown a significant recovery momentum." On July 13, Ruan Jianhong, a spokesman for the People's Bank of China and Director of the Department of Investigation and Statistics, Ruan Jianhong was in Zhen Jianhong. At the press conference of the first half of the financial statistics held by the National New Office, the first half of the year said.

So, is there the possibility of reducing interest rate cuts in the second half of the year? Zou Lan, the director of the Department of Monetary Policy of the People's Bank of China, responded that at present, the 7 -day repurchase of weighted average interest rates (DR007) at 7 days of deposit institutions at the interbank market is about 1.6%, which is lower than the open market operating interest rate. At the level of too much. From January to June, corporate loan interest rates were 4.32%, a year -on -year decrease of 0.31 percentage points, which continued to decline steadily, and set a new low since statistics.

Zou Lan said that the People's Bank of China will continue to implement a stable monetary policy and accelerate the implementation of the determined policies and measures. In the future, we will comprehensively consider the fundamental conditions such as economic growth and the situation of prices, and reasonably match monetary policy tools to maintain reasonable liquidity and abundance, further promote financial institutions to reduce corporate financing costs, and to consolidate the economy to create a suitable monetary and financial environment.

The quality and efficiency of the real economy of financial services have improved

Ruan Jianhong said that financial statistics show that the current liquidity is reasonable and abundant, the financial supports the real economy is large, the credit structure is optimized, the comprehensive financing cost of enterprises has been steadily decreasing, and the quality and efficiency of the real economy of financial services have improved.

Since the beginning of this year, the People's Bank of China has given full play to the precise guidance of structural monetary policy, launching a number of structural monetary policy tools, increasing support for inclusive small and micro loans, supporting small and medium and micro enterprises to employment, continuously strengthening key areas of national economy Support for weak links.

According to the data released by the central bank, at the end of June, the balance of medium- and long -term loans invested in the manufacturing industry increased by 29.7%year -on -year, 18.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans; 12.6 percentage point. The number of people awarded the small micro -awarded households was 52.39 million, a year -on -year increase of 36.8%.

"In the first half of the year, the People's Bank of China continued to optimize the policy interest rate system of the central bank, strengthened the supervision of deposit interest rates, and focused on stabilizing the cost of bank liabilities." Ruan Jianhong said that in June, the newly absorbed regular deposit interest rate was 2.5%, which was 16 basis points lower than the same period last year. Give full play to the potential for the reform of the loan market quotation interest rate, and the 1 -year LPR and 5 -year LPR decreased by 10 basis points and 20 basis points, respectively to reduce the comprehensive financing cost of the enterprise. In June, the interest rate of new corporate loans was 4.16%, 34 basis points lower than the same period last year.

Three new set of monetary policy tools are issued quarterly

Since the beginning of this year, the People's Bank of China has introduced three new structural monetary policy tools -scientific and technological innovation re -loan, special loan pilot pilot on PICC, and special re -loan of transportation and logistics.

Further promote financial institutions to reduce corporate financing costs, and to consolidate the economy to resume the creation of appropriate monetary financial environment

Zou Lan said that the above three tools plus the carbon emission reduction support tools issued in the fourth quarter of last year, and supported the special re -loan of coal clean and efficient utilization, which basically belongs to the stage tools; tool. At present, the structural monetary policy toolbox has been richer and perfect.

"As of now, carbon emission reduction support tools have issued a total of 182.7 billion yuan, supporting banks to issue 304.5 billion yuan in loans in the carbon emission reduction field, driving reducing carbon emissions by more than 60 million tons. Clean and efficient re -loan of coal cleaning and efficient use of special re -loans have supported banks to issue to enterprises to enterprises. Low -cost loans are 43.9 billion yuan. "According to Zou Lan, the three new tools created this year will be issued on a quarterly basis and will apply for the first time in July this year. At present, the People's Bank of China is promoting related work in an orderly manner.

Zou Lan said that in general, the structural monetary policy tool 'focuses on focusing, reasonable and appropriate, and retreat. At the same time, the "financial institution independently lend loan, lending management, the People's Bank of China reimbursed afterwards, and the total amount is limited. The work mechanism of relevant departments to clearly use the use and random inspection "is conducive to motivating financial institutions to optimize the credit structure and achieve the effect of precisely tilted in the fields of inclusive finance, green development, and scientific and technological innovation.

Orderly promote policy and development

Financial tools land

On June 29, the executive meeting of the State Council determined measures for policy and development financial instruments to support major project construction. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council ’s decision -making deployment and the work requirements of the Financial Commission, the People's Bank of China supports the establishment of financial instruments for the National Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank, with a total scale of 300 billion yuan.

Zou Lan said that policy and development financial instruments, as staged measures, through appropriate policy design, are conducive to adhering to the policies requirements of not to engage in large water irrigation and not excessive currency, guide financial requirements, guide financial finance, guide financial finance The institution issued a medium- and long -term low -cost supporting loans, unblocked the monetary policy transmission mechanism, enhanced the stability of credit growth, helped achieve the overall effect of expanding investment, employment, and promoting consumption, and stabilized the macroeconomic market.

For the advancement of the current policy and development financial instruments, according to Zou Lan, under the cooperation of various departments, localities and enterprises, some projects have been included in the project library or the process of entering the warehouse;Project elements such as energy; there are also some projects that are accelerating the initial work of investment consulting and feasibility research, all of which provide favorable conditions for financial instrument investment.National Development Bank and Agricultural Development Bank have actively connected with a group of mature projects. They will be accelerated in accordance with laws and regulations. They can soon achieve two physical workloads of funds and infrastructure construction."Policy, development financial instruments steadily running projects, funds, supervision and other supporting policies support." Zou Lan said that in the next step, the People's Bank of China will follow the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council in order to advance in an orderly manner.Policy and development financial instruments land.There are three main aspects: one is to accelerate the establishment of financial instruments, the other is to form a list of alternative projects, and the third is to carry out solid project docking.

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