Friendship over 3800 kilometers!Ebo students work together to "go reading" Wuhan

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 14th (Reporter Jin Xiaohui Correspondent Chen Qing) "The first time I came to Wuhan, I met my friends in the video for the first time. Twenty students from Bole City First Primary School and Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province held hands to gather in Wuhan to start a research journey.

It is understood that in this study journey, students from Ebo visited the Revolution Museum of 1911, Hubei Provincial Museum, Hubei Provincial Architecture Museum, and will also go to Hubei Province Science and Technology Museum and Huanghelou to integrate knowledge interaction in the research site into the research site In -depth understanding of Wuhan's red stories, legendary history, technology charm, etc., through the way of reading in the city, further enhance the friendship of students from all ethnic groups.

Ebo students hold hands in Wuhan, and the study journey feels Jiangcheng culture together

Earlier on the 13th, 20 pairing students from Epobo arrived at the Hubei Provincial Museum, read Jingchu culture, carried out national treasure cognitive activities, approached history under the explanation of the teacher of the team, learned about the bronze unearthed from the tomb of Zeng Houyi. Valuable cultural relics, listening to the bell of the bell, etc. The students of Xinjiang Bole listened carefully throughout the process, took photos with their mobile phones, and planned to return to my family after returning to their hometown.

Uber students visited the Hubei Provincial Museum under the leadership of the teacher. Reporter He Xiaogang Photo

Wang Xiqian, a Han girl in Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Experimental Primary School, and Uyghur Girl Kai Jima, a Uyghur girl in Bole City, Xinjiang Bole, are good friends who are paired together. The skirts made of silk, and wrote the school motto of "the interests of the motherland higher than everything" with a brush. On the 13th, at the Hubei Provincial Museum, two friends were inseparable. Wang Xiqian introduced the ancient cultural relics of Hubei to Kaeima. Kaeima concentrated on listening and whispered with him.

Wuhan student Wang Xiqian (right) was visiting Hubei precious cultural relics with his friend Kaeima (left), a friend of Xinjiang Bole. Reporter He Xiaogang Photo

"I used to watch the history and culture of Hubei on the Internet, but I couldn't really understand the stories behind the cultural relics. I saw it today. It was very shocking. These cultural relics were too expensive. Especially in the clock in the museum, I saw the first time in the museum. To such a big ancient musical instrument, I deeply feel the long and volatile of Chinese culture. "Kai Reima said that next month, he also wanted to take Wang Xiqian to her hometown. Okay, learn from each other! "

Wang Xiqian was also very excited about Kaeima's arrival: "Last Mid -Autumn Festival, my parents and I celebrated with the Kaijima family through videos. Our family is looking forward to her coming to Wuhan to play, and finally I look forward to it!" Wang Xiqian told the Yangtze River telling the Yangtze River Daily reporter, before the end of this year's final exam, they also videos to call each other to cheer each other. For a year, the two have become good friends. "I will take her to understand the history of Wuhan, and I will take her home as a guest. I also hope that To understand the life of Uyghur people. "It is understood that this five -day research activity also has a special family day, so that Xinjiang students can feel the family care of Wuhan.

After the visit, the Ebo students will continue to start a research journey in Wuhan. Reporter He Xiaogang Photo

If you have more than a year, you will have more than a year, and your friends will walk in hand next month

It is understood that since last year, Hubei Province has launched the pairing work in the deepening of Ebo Baches. Essence Over the past year, the pairing students have established a letter through the establishment of a dating card, opened the friendship wall, and wrote the same letter. The same class of the same section, the same festival and other activities, understand each other's local customs and traditional culture in different regions. Accompanied by a year, children of the two places have become good friends who are nothing to say. This meeting was the first time they had officially met offline.

"There are 2,500 students in our school, 60 % are ethnic minorities. Since the education and cultural exchanges of educational and cultural exchanges between Epobo, children's countries have been greatly improved. , Student's friends, a student radiates a family, the students of Ebo exchanged, blended, and intertwined, and the nation grew up to the ethnic group. "This year, Hu Jingting, the eighth batch of cadre talents in Xinjiang in Hubei Province, and the president of Bole City First Primary School, In the third year of Xinjiang Bole work, from her perspective, I saw the most natural changes in this group of Xinjiang children. "I believe that many children will become friends in their lives."

Ebo students wrote the school motto of "the interests of the motherland higher than all" in Han Dynasty calligraphy.

The reporter was informed that in the future, the pairing schools of Epobo will continue to promote the same letter, the same class, and the same festival and other activities to promote the exchanges between students of Ebo both. In mid -August, 10 pairs of children will walk in hand with the border with Bole players, continue to conduct mutual visit research activities, understand each other's city and culture, and build a consciousness of the Chinese nation community together.

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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