State Council: It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the new crown -positive recovery in employment

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.07.14

On the 13th, the Executive Meeting of the State Council was held to deploy policy measures for stabilizing and stabilizing posts to ensure stable employment situation; requiring multiple measures to expand consumption, and determine measures to support green smart home appliances consumption.

Stable and stable

It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the new crown detection positive rehabilitation in employment

The meeting pointed out that employment is the first -class people's livelihood and important support for the economic market. Only employment can create wealth, increase income, and then drive consumption and drive economic growth.

Continue to implement the policy of helping the enterprise's rescue, open up the implementation point, and implement the packaging of social insurance premiums, stable jobs, etc.

Support for entrepreneurship and employment, and continue to issue up to 200,000 yuan of entrepreneurial guarantee loans for eligible startups and individual industrial and commercial households, and will be discounted by fiscal discounts. Local governments should take out funds to help the incubation base reduce the cost of start -ups at the site of start -ups.

Do a good job in employment of college graduates, migrant workers, etc. Implement the policy of expanding the employment channels of graduates. Introduce policy support services outsourcing industry to absorb graduates.

"One person, one policy" for unlimited graduates continues to help. Implement the work of work.

It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the positive recovery of the new crown virus nucleic acid testing, and the discovery of such discrimination is discovered seriously together.

Data map: On July 4, 2022, in Suzhou, job seekers negotiated with staff at the job fair. Photo/Visual China

Allowing flexible employment personnel at the place of employment

Participate in the basic pension and medical insurance of employees

The meeting pointed out that flexible employment can effectively promote employment, and it is also conducive to stimulating market vitality and social creativity. It is necessary to strengthen protection and services.

Allows flexible employees to participate in the basic pension and medical insurance of employees at the place of employment.

Protect the legitimate rights and interests of flexible employees in accordance with the law, and seriously investigate and deal with issues such as the responsibility of the main body of employment and arrears of salary.

For qualified training for flexible employee, give training subsidies and living subsidies during training and training.

Multiple measures to expand consumption

Accelerate the release of green smart home appliances consumption potential

The meeting pointed out that expanding consumption is good for improving the living standards of the masses, but also promotes employment, investment and industrial upgrading.

Pay attention to the use of marketization and sustainable methods to expand consumption.

It is necessary to speed up the consumption potential of green smart home appliances. In the country's home appliances to the countryside with old -fashioned and home appliances, encourage conditions to provide funding and policy support. During the implementation, it is necessary to maintain a unified open market nationwide and ensure fair competition.

Support the development of waste home appliances recycling and enhance the support capabilities of infrastructure such as information networks and electricity on home appliances.

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