Gucun's activation and rejuvenation

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.07.14

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Wang Jizheng Correspondent Hua Xuan

Guangzhou Huadu District has always paid attention to retaining the historical and cultural memory of the city, and exploring the activation and utilization of ancient villages. In promoting the construction of beautiful rural areas, adhere to the principles of repair and protection of "repairing the old as the old", design and develop under the model of "government promotion, market -led, and enterprise operation". The once -defeated ancient building has once again glowing.

Under the sun in the summer, the tower of Luochang Village, Huashan Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City is staggered with the low -green brick houses. The fruits such as mango, lychee, and yellow peel planted in the courtyard of the tower are full of branches. There is a desk under the tree, cats, reading books, and coffee. It instantly forgets the hustle and bustle of the city and integrates into this strong artistic atmosphere. This is the literary and artistic punch place of leisure vacation created by Huadu District by activating the use of ancient buildings.

There are many villages in Huadu District with a long history, with ancient buildings and splendid culture. In recent years, in the process of the construction of beautiful rural and rural revitalization, Huadu District has adhered to the principle of "repairing the old as old" to repair and protect the ancient villages, and the model of "government promotion, market -led, and enterprise operation" has promoted the rejuvenation of the ancient villages.

Old Overseas Village's old appearance changes new face

Luochang Village is located in the east of Huashan Town, Huadu District. It was once the resident of Huaxian County and a well -known overseas Chinese town. There are more than 6,000 overseas Chinese in the village, about twice the village's household registration population. According to local villagers, since the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, there have been Luo Field people who have gone abroad to make a living. After some hard work, after the foothold of the other country, overseas Chinese have returned to their hometowns to buy field production, and they have built a building style in the building. , Form a unique building complex.

However, because most overseas Chinese children of Luochang Village have moved abroad, young people who have not moved away also went out to work, or moved away from a new house. This Luochang Village once became a culprit.

There are 45 and more than 200 green brick houses in Luochang Village. This is the largest ancient village around the area around Guangzhou. On the premise of retaining the charm of ancient villages, developing the economy, enhancing the sense of gain and happiness of villagers, and retaining the nostalgia of overseas Chinese, it has become a problem in front of the local government.

In 2013, Luochang Village was approved as the second batch of beautiful rural pilot villages in Guangzhou. The embarrassing situation of a hollow village finally ushered in the turnaround. It clarifies the planning positioning of Luochang Village as a characteristic cultural ecological village with historical and cultural tourism and rural ecological tourism as its main industry. village.

Zheng Guoming, the person in charge of the Luochang Village project, introduced that Luochang Village introduced Hong Kong Yifeng Group Co., Ltd. as a part -time company in Luochang Village through the model of "government promotion, market -led, and enterprise operation". The company plans to use the range of 410 acres of the village into a non -heritage cultural experience commercial street, non -survivor art performance, fashion creative cultural commercial street, and special snack food street, cultural and creative home, cultural and creative food streets, cultural and creative streets, cultural and creative streets, cultural and creative streets, cultural and creative streets. The distinctive towns of the center, the homestay hotel, the parent -child interactive area and the entertainment and leisure vacation venues have promoted the common development of the village's collective economy and villagers' income.

Zheng Guoming led the reporter of "Xiaokang" to enter the tower named Jingguanlu, and saw that the courtyard was covered with white gravel on the ground with traditional Chinese flower patterns with traditional Chinese flower pattern, which went directly to the backyard. There is a quiet place, the ancient tree shade is covered with the sun, a coffee table and a few wooden pier are used for art creation. According to reports, Luochang Village has a quiet environment but different styles. It is very popular with young people. The tenants who watch the Lu are the "post -90s".

Many large green houses in Luochang Village have been transformed into restaurants. Walking into the restaurant of Pu Shi at will, the facade is not large, but there is no hole in the inside, and the courtyard is placed nearly ten tables. According to the shopkeeper, the store is often full. Everyone likes the dishes here, and the beautiful environment has also become an important addition.

In recent years, in the process of the construction of beautiful rural and rural revitalization, Huadu District has adhered to the principle of "repairing the old as old" to repair and protect the ancient villages, and promotes the rejuvenation of the ancient villages with the model of "government promotion, market -led, and enterprise operation". The picture shows the transformed port village. Li Bayi / Photo

Cafe, private dishes, homestays, and cultural and creative industries have gathered here. The original ruined ancient villages were repaired as old as the old, and the guests of the bachelum were giving in.

With the promotion of rural revitalization work, the supporting facilities of Luochang Village have continued to improve, village Rongcun Village is changing with each passing day. A beautiful business card.

600 years of ancient villages ushered in new development

Walking to the depths of Gangtou Village, Huadong Town, it was suddenly cheerful in front of him. One side of the pond was in front of him, and the ancient village faced the fields. In the ancient villages, there is a large historical and cultural building group, such as the curved roof of the shape of the champion cap, the carved hollowed eaves, and the green wall Dai Lingling south.

According to reports, Gangtou Village is a typical Lingnan Water Village. It has a history of more than 600 years of building a village. Honggou Village is known as the "open -air Ming and Qing Dynasties Museum" because of the courtyard of the Ming, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. In recent years, Gangtou Village has introduced Hengguang Investment Corporation to develop and operate, give full discaptation of the historical and culture of the shrine, promote infrastructure construction and the repair of the shrine, protect traditional villages and traditional culture, and continuously enrich the supply of rural culture, so that the rural civilization will rejuvenate a new weather Essence In order to implement the deployment of superiors, relevant parties have accelerated overall planning and promoting infrastructure construction, renovation of shrine, and housing arable land collection and storage. As of December 2021, there were 119 total houses in Gangtou Village, with 92 entire rented, and the completion rate was 90.94%. It has been transferred to Hengguang Company 90.

"The original deserted villages, after building hygiene and cleanliness, there are many people in the village. More than 60 square meters of old houses in my house are leased out of more than 4,000 yuan a year." Gangtou Village Villagers Zeng Jinxing introduced that in addition to the house, after the arable land was collected, one acre of land could have 1,800 yuan a year.

Wu Shihao, the relevant person in charge of the Gangtou Village project of Hengjian Company, told the reporter of "Xiaokang" that the ecological advantage of Gangtou Village is obvious. During the reconstruction process, the original village form and the natural ecological environment are retained. , Including: boutique hotels, art workshops, culture and art exhibition halls, boutique shopping, specialty catering, tourist service center, etc. At present, Hong Kongtou Village has initially formed a linkage development of primary, second, and terties.

In terms of the protection and activation of ancient villages, Wu Shihao introduced that the buildings of ancient villages are divided into three categories: repair and recovery, reinforcement and flipage, and demolition and reconstruction. Currently mainly based on repairing the old as the old. In 2019, the Lingnan International Architects Commune has been introduced to Hong Kongtou Village. Eight well -known architectural designers at home and abroad "enter the village", deeply excavate the Lingnan cultural characteristics of Gangtou Village, re -creation of the current buildings, with creative research and development, art creation, Lingnan cultural exhibitions, leisure tourism as the main functions to create diversified innovation Village of rural rejuvenation of elements.

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in mid -July 2022

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