New energy car ETF (159824) rose more than 2%!Hangke Technology rose more than 8%

Author:Capital state Time:2022.07.14

Since the opening, the new energy car ETF (159824) has shocked and rose by more than 2%. Among the ingredients stocks, Hangke Technology rose more than 8%, Hongfa's shares rose more than 7%, Yitong -U, Fara Electronics rose more than 6%, Zhenxue Technology, Win Heng Technology, Nord's Shares, Xinxin, New Shanbang, Fu Lin Seiko, Shanshan shares, Guoxuan Hi -Tech and other stocks have risen.

On the news, the new models of the OEMs have been launched accelerated since June: Ideally released a new large SUVL9, which will be opened in August; the first SUV Weilai ES7 based on the second -generation NT2 technology platform is officially launched; The deep blue SL03 of the pure electric platform and the high -end smart coupe SUV Avita 11; Huawei well -off issued a question world M7; Nezha opened the pre -sale of Nezha S Ya Shi version.

Haitong International said that the purchase tax reduction policy for fuel vehicles has been implemented, and the policy of new energy vehicles to the countryside and the local subsidy policy at the local level have significantly drove the car consumption, and the delayed order demand was effectively released. Facilities and superimposed new models are expected to help the end of new energy vehicle terminals accelerating in the second half of the year, and the new forces and independent brands market share in the second half of the year continues. The sales of new energy vehicle terminals are predicted at the level of 47-48 million, and the overall overall in the third quarter is expected to reach 1400,000-15 million units.

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