Wuhan introduced the audit work plan of leading cadres' natural resources assets

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

It was learned on July 14 that the Wuhan Audit Bureau issued the "2022 Wuhan Party and Government Department (unit) leading cadres and state -owned enterprise leaders of the Natural Resources Asset Auditing Work Plan".

The "Plan" proposes that the focus of Wuhan's resource environmental protection planning, green development plan, and annual ecological civilization construction work will be closely followed, and the basic ideas of "find out the situation, disclose problems, objectively evaluate, promote rectification, and improve the system". Reflecting the implementation of policies and measures related to the construction of ecological civilization, revealing the outstanding problems and risk hazards existing in the management of natural resource assets and ecological environmental protection, the performance of objective evaluation of responsibilities, promoting leading cadres to establish a correct outlook on political achievements, ecological concepts, and development concepts, and strive to work hard Promote the establishment of a target responsibility system, governance system, and the modernization of governance capabilities as the core of the use of Wuhan's characteristics and strengthening the use of and improving the quality of ecological environment.

The audit will be based on the changes in the actual amount and ecological environmental quality of natural resources assets. The main line of the responsibility of natural resource asset management and ecological environmental protection is the main line. It fully considers Wuhan's natural resource endowment and ecological environment characteristics. The department (unit) functional duties, the characteristics of leadership performance, and the requirements of ecological civilization performance assessment requirements, focusing on the changes in the actual amount and ecological environment quality of natural resources assets, implementing ecological civilization construction and resources and environmental policies Decisions, completion of target tasks, fulfilling supervision responsibilities, recruitment and management of resources and environmental related funds, and project construction operation and management.

The audit will be combined in accordance with the principles of "what to review and evaluate" in accordance with the facts of the verification of the facts, the policy system, the assessment goals, and the industry standards. The combination of static evaluation and dynamic evaluation is a realistic evaluation of the implementation of the responsibility for the management and ecological environmental protection of leading cadres to fulfill the responsibility for the management and ecological environmental protection of leading cadres to ensure that the audit evaluation conclusions can stand the test.

(Source: Hubei Daily)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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