Two high -risk areas and 2 mid -risk areas are delineated in a place in Henan Time:2022.07.14

The reporter learned from the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters in Yicheng District, Henan Province that according to the current needs of the epidemic prevention and control work, the area of ​​the epidemic prevention and control headquarters decided to designate the whole region as a high -risk zone, a mid -risk zone and a low -risk zone three three three Classification control.

I. High -risk zone (2): Xiyuan Street Cultural Community Fuel Company's Family Institute and Laoshima Street Tianzhong Community Wengbo District.

High -risk zones implement "regional closed, not leaving home, and service", strictly implement the home isolation measures, arrange 24 -hour patrols to prevent personnel from going out Delivery. For those who need to go out for medical treatment, they must be issued by the community and a good review and registration, arranged specialized cars, do personal protection throughout the process, and implement closed -loop management.

2. Central risk zone: Xiyuan Street Cultural Community, Laojie Street Tianzhong Community.

The central risk zone implements prevention and control measures such as "people do not go out of the community, and it is strictly forbidden to gather together." In principle, home (except for the test of unified nucleic acid testing), each household can arrange 1 person every 2 days. During the time period, restricted personnel to receive the purchase of living materials at the designated locations of the community.

For those who need to go out for medical treatment, the community will issue a certificate and make a review and registration. All in -entry and exiting personnel implement the verification, code test, temperature measurement, registration, and 48 -hour nucleic acid test report. Wear masks at home to minimize the contact between family members, and take measures such as environmental disinfection and ventilation in the room.

Malls, supermarkets and farmers' markets that ensure the normal life needs of residents, and under the leadership of the local government, do a good job of material guarantee. Other closed public places have been suspended.

3. Low -risk zone: all areas outside the high school risk zone in Yicheng District.

The low -risk zone implements "strengthening social face control and strict restrictions on the gathering of personnel". Each community (village) and units must strengthen personnel control. Before the results of nucleic acid testing comes out, they must not go out. During the period of going out, strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, scanning code, wearing masks, and keeping 1 meter distance, designated shopping areas, restricting shopping time, and implementing peaks.

Source: CCTV News client copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete

Responsible editor: Sun Zhenheng review: Guo Tonghuan

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