Shenzhen Baoan: The "Three Cities" construction of advanced model learning and preaching a

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.06.14

Preaching guest Yin Huaying (fifth right in front) took a photo with other guests.

Urban renewal daily crescents, road traffic is orderly, civilized fashion is infiltrated with people's hearts ... Shenzhen Baoan's civilized fashion shines in the bay area. In order to continue to promote the promotion and practice of "6+1+N" civilization, on June 13, the "Three Cities" construction advanced model learning and preaching activities hosted by the Baoan District Civilization Office and hosted by the Shenzhen Newspaper Group Crystal News Agency fifth The field was held at the Shiyan Culture and Art Center. The event invited Yin Huaying, the party secretary of the Shangwu Community Party Committee of Shiyan Street, Baoan District to come to the scene to share the work experience of creating a civilized city in the community.

Community is the cell of the city, and community civilization is the basis of urban civilization. Since coming to Shenzhen in May 2008, Yin Huaying has taken root in the first line of the grass -roots community for 14 years, and has a wealth of community work experience. In the preaching, Yin Huaying combined with the current situation of community development, the education level of residents, and the actual situation of community personnel, and proposed relevant measures to improve the sense of moral responsibility of residents in community governance, and provides new ideas for the establishment of a civilized community. She pointed out that improving the sense of moral responsibility of community residents should serve the people as the core of citizenship construction, practice the core values ​​of socialism in practice, carry forward the fine traditions, and guide community residents to establish a strong sense of moral responsibility from the heart.

搭建道德教育服务平台,学习英雄人物,开展道德实践教育活动、丰富教育形式……结合丰富的社区治理经验,尹华颖向居民群众分享了如何有效开展道德教育的生动案例,增强居民自我道德意识,让More people voluntarily participate in the establishment of a civilized community, promote the construction of a civilized harmonious and livable community environment, and contribute to the construction of civilized Baoan.

The creation of civilized cities is the benefit of the people. At present, Baoan District is responsible for the district, promotes the creation of civilized cities at a high level, and builds a "6+1+N" civilized publicity and practical activity system in a high level. Also adapt to local conditions and make up for the shortcomings, focus on the actual situation of the jurisdiction, keep an eye on the needs of people's livelihood to enhance the sense of happiness, enhance the appearance of urban streets, build a civilized, harmonious, safe, and comfortable and livable environment, and carry out the practice of civilized cities. In full effort, we must first complete this "happiness relay" with a real fight, and make the "civilization index" a "happiness indicator" for citizens in the region.

From June 8th to 13th, the series of advanced model learning and preaching activities of the "Three Cities" of Baoan District was staged wonderfully in the streets of Baoan. The lecturers include sanitation workers, educators, medical workers, volunteers, and grassroots community workers. They are the pacesetters created by a civilized city and the leader of civilized practice in the new era. The preaching series of activities use the leading demonstration role of advanced models, show the new style and new appearance of the city, convey the beauty of civilization, further stimulate the general public to participate in the creation of a civilized city to create enthusiasm, make the residents of the district become participants and beneficiaries in civilized cities. "Happiness".

Jingbao reporter Xie Qun

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