Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 contact network project is installed in the first piece Time:2022.07.14

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 contact network project is installed in the first piece

At 9:30 am on July 13th, the first set of conversion brackets in the installation of the power supply system in Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 was installed on the right line of the entry and exit line, marking that the contact network specialty began to enter the specific construction stage.

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 engineering line is 36.12 kilometers in length, all of which are underground lines. There are 31 underground stations, Sangtian Island parking lots and Hamuka Pass vehicles section. The scope of this bidding section is the main line of Suzhou New District Station (inclusive) to Sujin Station (inclusive), the section of the vehicle and entry and exit of Waoshuguan.

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 contact network project first installation

The project is the first power supply system project undertaken by Shanghai Electricization Bureau of China Railway Wuhan Electricization Bureau in Suzhou Rail Transit Market. This bid section is the first opening section, and the delivery time has been nearly half a year earlier than the positive line. All employees of the project department have completed the material planning reporting, design connection meeting, operation and civil construction unit docking in the shortest time to ensure the smooth construction of the contact network project. The project department has also sent several technical backbone survey sites to strengthen communication with rail companies, design, supervision and construction units, improve the construction plan, reasonably deploy internally, clarify responsibilities, strengthen safety technical intercourse, ensure the smooth progress of the construction, achieve contact with contact, and get contact. The good results of the opening of the door construction.

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 6 contact network project completed the installation site

At present, all participants are new and sprinting, laid a solid foundation for the first passage of the first pass, and forge ahead of the goals of the construction node. (Chen Lifan)

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