1,750 electric vehicle charging piles of 36 villages in Bridge Street in Panyu City were completed a

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.06.14

Recently, the reporter learned from Shiqiao Street, Panyu District that since this year, 36 villages in Shiqiao Street have been completed and put into use of 1,750 electric vehicle charging piles. Among them, there are 111 property management communities in 28 communities, and 1,219 charging piles are built; 2 without property management communities, 162 charging piles; 8 villages have 369 charging piles.

The reporter was informed that in order to manage the electric bicycle fire accidents caused by outstanding issues such as "entering the building", "people in the same house" and "flying wire charging", the city bridge street launched 36 villages charging piles at the end of March this year. The construction of the construction and the establishment of a special inspection team is responsible for promoting the construction of the villages, tracking progress, and ensuring that the construction of charging pile construction can be smoothly developed.

In the early stage, Yunxing Village was piloted, and 3 villagers and cadres of the natural villagers and other village cadres were organized to hold internal meetings of village cadres to explain the significance of the construction of electric vehicle charging piles, so as to strengthen the attention and attention and the special rectification of electric bicycle fire safety rectification work. Support, and the villagers will arrange special personnel to find out to discuss large -scale rental houses and commercial buildings such as large -scale rental houses, commercial buildings and other public areas. The co -construction and putting into 28 charging piles and 175 are used to play a benchmarking role in the comprehensive promotion of the construction of the charging piles in the rest of the villages in the jurisdiction.

In the next stage, Shiqiao Street will continue to improve the installation and construction of charging piles, and arrange special personnel to follow up the construction in real time, conduct regular supervision inspections, eliminate hidden safety hazards from the source, and build a safety barrier for electric vehicle charging in the jurisdiction.

Text/Picture: Panyu Rong Media Reporter Pan Weizheng Correspondent Chen Yunshi Wu Weiwen Li Weijian

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