Love "epidemic" line | Municipal party member pioneer team condenses anti -epidemic red power

Author:Kaiping Radio and Television S Time:2022.07.14

Recently, during the critical period of fighting against the new crown epidemic, party organizations at all levels of municipal agencies to resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the municipal party committee, municipal government, and municipal epidemic situation, consciously carry out the political responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control, and organize party members to sink the community network Ge, help all members' nucleic acid testing. The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Organization Committee launched the Pingli Wars and Combined Mechanism, combined with the "Dual Report and Double Service Dual Report" to coordinate the party members' pioneer team and assault team to support resistance, to fight against the epidemic, so that the party flag fluttered in the epidemic situation The front line of prevention and control.

Smell the move, and quickly assemble

On July 9, after receiving the order, the party members and party members' assault teams of the municipal agencies quickly assembled, took the initiative to go to the front line, and participated in the community epidemic prevention and control volunteer service. The party member pioneer team and party members' assault teams do a good job of accurate docking community grids. In accordance with the needs of each testing point, they can regulate the capacity of dry and sink to Changsha, Sanbu, Chikan, Lily, and the town sampling points to assist in the testing of nucleic acid testing. Make sure the scene is orderly and safe. The municipal agencies have successively gathered 86 party members 'pioneers and 45 party members' assault teams, more than 2,850 party members of the government agency, and 21 temporary party branches were established to build a strict line of defense against the anti -epidemic.

Municipal People's Congress: Help the epidemic prevention and control risk investigation, showing the responsibility and responsibility of the National People's Congress.

Establish a team of emergency support for the people's congress organs. The leader of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress served as the deputy leader of the Municipal People's Congress, and participated in the whole process as an ordinary volunteer service provider to ensure that there are planning, organized, orderly, and orderly supporting operations.

On the evening of July 10, Chen Weicheng and Liu Weilong, deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, insisted on their post until 10 pm.

On July 9th, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress Ji Zhe helped the masses to operate mobile phone sunflower codes.

Municipal Procuratorate: "Prosecutor's Red" guards "healthy green".

From July 9th to July 12th, the hospital organized 6 groups and 204 anti -epidemic vanguard teams to take turns to the testing point to assist in conducting four rounds of large -scale nucleic acid testing. Each group was led by the leaders of the hospital to resist the backbone of the disease.

The charge is in front of the charging

The majority of party members and cadres of the organs took the initiative to invite the battle, gave up the holiday break, put on the "red vest", and quickly integrated into the community epidemic prevention and control war. The volunteers of party members adhere to the responsibility area and serve as a pioneer, and fully assist in the test of nucleic acid testing. They are not afraid of suffering or tired, and they are patiently registered for scanning code, answering residents' questions, maintaining the order of the site, etc., so that the epidemic prevention and control measures can be effectively implemented on everyone. Some party members have been fighting for more than 12 hours in a row. The protective jackets have been sweaty, and they still maintain a high fighting spirit. They do every job with their hearts and feel their own actual actions.

Municipal Supervisory Bureau: No fear of "baking" test, all the minds.

At high temperature, "City Supervision Blue" wore a protective suit, wearing protective caps, masks, rubber gloves, etc., exposed to the scorching sun for many days in a row, and drizzled in the rainstorm. In particular, in the environment of active elements, preparatory party members and members of the party, in the environment with the temperature temperature temperature of more than 40 degrees at the nucleic acid testing site, they took the initiative to take the lead to take the lead to take the heaviest and most tired task.

Municipal Bureau of Finance: Fine bravely, and fight with the heart.

In the front line of preventing and controlling, party members and leading cadres played the role of "head geese", leaned forward to command, and the first soldiers were on the front line of resistance; party members and volunteers performed their duties, put on "red vests", replaced the protective clothing, put on a mask on the mask on the mask on the mask, Gloves, condensing the front line of epidemic prevention.

Red lead, condense strength

The party members and party members' assault teams of the municipal agency adhere to the line of defense, resolutely obey the unified arrangement and unified management of the detection point, and ensure the orderly prevention and control of the epidemic. Organize party members to participate in the "epidemic" line, follow up in time, consolidate all parties, strengthen confidence in victory, and provide strong organization guarantees for winning the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Municipal Public Security Bureau: The scorching sun "roast" is responsible for sweat to interpret loyalty.

Start the emergency response, quickly enter the emergency status, and help the relevant departments to carry out the traceability of the flow of flow, and implement the epidemic prevention and control of the epidemic and control of the flow traceability, regional control, and nucleic acid screening at the fastest speed and strongest strength.

Municipal Development and Reform Bureau: together to fight against the epidemic.

Quickly responded to organizing the 40 teams of the pioneers of the party member, and 40 people, for 4 consecutive days, continued to help support the development of nucleic acid testing for the whole population, and combined with functions to make preparations for epidemic prevention materials.

Joint emergency and other departments do a good job of distribution and reception of materials.

Source | Municipal Organization Committee Working Committee

Edit | Feng Yingshi

Review | Zhang Fengjie Xu Wenzhong

Produced | Situ Yanjun

Copyright Statement | Kaiping releases the original content. If you need to reprint, please contact this public account. Please do not reprint without permission

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