As soon as the critical moment, the stomach is "revolutionary", beware of ...

Author:Shaanxi Science and Technology Time:2022.07.14

Source: Science Popularization China

Have you ever had such an experience in life -the more importantly, the more "revolutionary" the belly!

I want to go to the toilet as soon as I enter the test room;

When there is an urgent matter, stomach pain is unbearable;

As soon as you drink a cold drink, you will immediately blast your belly;


It doesn't matter if you have a stomach pain. You can end up the business first, but the point is that this stomach pain cannot be tolerated. Intersection

Even so, most people did not take these symptoms seriously, but just felt that the stomach was not good.

But please note that this is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disease, called intestinal susceptible syndrome.

Evergreen syndrome

This is a very common disease. The main symptoms are abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as defecation habits and changes in stool properties, constipation and diarrhea.

However, this disease passed the clinical examination, but there was no real organic lesion, and there was no clear cause and pathogenesis.

The point is that this condition can occur at any age group, and its prevalence is 1.4%to 11.5%. Women are slightly higher than men, and the prevalence of young and middle -aged people is relatively high.

Because it is not a fatal disease, and the symptoms are reluctant to endure, the rate of consultation is very low. Only 25%of patients will go to the hospital for treatment.

But I still warmly remind friends who have this symptom, to attract attention, you can check the following symptoms to self -check whether it suffers from the intestinal syndrome. It's right.

The course of the disease is more than 6 months, and the abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and abdominal discomfort have been repeatedly occurred in the past 3 months. They have any two or more symptoms:

Related to defecation;

Accompanied by changes in the frequency of bowel movements;

Accompanied by feces or appearance changes;

Depending on the characteristics of bowel habits and stool, it can be divided into: constipation type (type first, second type), diarrhea type (type 5 to seven), mixed types (diarrhea and constipation alternate), and irregular types.

In my country, the most common type is diarrhea type.

How to treat or improve?

At present, there is no way to cure intestinal syndrome. The main treatment goals are to eliminate or relieve symptoms and reduce their impact on life.

Its main treatment methods include diet, lifestyle adjustment, drug treatment, mental psychology, cognition, and behavioral intervention. Among them, diet is the main reason, so you must pay attention to diet:


// Avoid gas production foods

Such as beans, onions, celery, carrots, raisins, bananas, apricot, salty crispy biscuits, alcohol and caffeine and other foods.


// Avoid intake of lactose

For example, dairy products and low Fodmap (fermented+low polysaccharides+diets+monosaccharides+polyol alcohol) diet, including but not limited to wheat, onion, leek, garlic, pea, happy fruit, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans Class, lentils apples, pear, mango, cherry, watermelon, plums, mushrooms, etc.


Pay attention to diet clean

Studies have shown that the incidence of intestinal syndrome with a history of intestinal infection is 4 times higher than those of patients with no intestinal infection. Therefore, cleaning diet is particularly important. Eat less high -oil and dirty stalls to avoid inducing intestinal excitement syndrome.

If the intestinal syndrome has seriously affected life, then you need to go to the hospital for comprehensive treatment. Don't bear it again!

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