Prosecutors discovered false evidence, and the defendant was chased after

Author:Supreme inspection Time:2022.07.14

"In the first four months of this year, the company's output value turned over twice compared with the same period last year. We are going to use Yicheng as a production base and strive to go public as soon as possible." Recently, Zhou Yi, a prosecutor of the Yicheng Procuratorate of Hubei Province, and two people's supervision During the return visit to a Yicheng Electronics Company (hereinafter referred to as the Electronics Company), Sun Gaode (pseudonym), general manager of the company, introduced the company's current development status and expressed his gratitude to the procuratorial organs again. Earlier, Yicheng Procuratorate found the criminal facts of Li Mou's pseudo -company seal through a detailed review.

Before the incident, because Li recognized Sun Gaode's father as a godfather, Sun Gaode trusted Li very much, not only handing over the important business of the electronics company to his operation, but even the company's seal to him. In 2019, Li privately pulled away the 28 electronic components of the electronic company and sold it. After the incident was revealed, Sun Gaode tolerated Li's behavior. However, Li became intensified and handed over the factory decoration project of the electronics company to the construction company of the ex -wife Hu Yuemei (pseudonym), and made personal gain from it. During the settlement project, Li represented the construction company to Sun Gaode. The two were completely turned over. Sun Gaode also retracted the company's seal from Li and handed it over to the person in charge of the business department Liu Xin (a pseudonym). Because he could not receive the project funds, Li had gathered several criminal release staff many times to go to the electronics company to make trouble, which seriously affected the company's production and operation.

In October 2021, the public security organs transferred Li's suspected occupation and provocation case to the Yishi Urban Procuratorate for review and prosecution. After reviewing the dossier materials, Zhou Yi determined that the existing evidence was sufficient to determine that Li's suspected crime of occupation and provocation, and through the testimony of Liu Xin and Hu Yuemei, a new discovery was made: the factory decoration project has not been settled for clarification. In April 2020, the construction company brought the electronics company to the court. During the first and second instance, the construction company provided only one contract and did not submit evidence of the project price. The construction company suddenly submitted the engineering settlement letter, the acceptance list and the material cost list, and the relevant materials were stamped with the seal of the electronic company.

"If the construction company does have such an iron certificate such as the acceptance form, why isn't it taken out in the first instance? According to time, the seal should be kept in Liu Xin during the trial." According to the testimony of the case of the case and the relevant documentary certificate, Zhou Yi speculated that Zhou Yi speculated that The seal on these materials is likely to be forged by Li.

In order to confirm this, Zhou Yi quickly communicated with the police handling the case, and suggested that he commissioned a specialized agency for identification. Later, it was identified by the Public Security Judicial Appraisal Center of Xiangyang City. The results showed that the seal on the relevant materials documents in the project settlement book did not match the seal provided by the electronics company. Focusing on this clue, Zhou Yi suggested that the public security organs quickly launched investigation and evidence, and finally identified the fact that Li Mou forged the official seal.

On May 13 this year, after the trial was opened by Yicheng Court, Li was sentenced to three years in prison for crime of crime, provocative crime, and forging the company's seal for the crime of crime, provoking trouble, and forging the company's seal. At the same time, the civil lawsuit between the electronics company and the construction company, due to the falsification of the decoration project settlement book and the seal of supplementary costs, cannot be used as evidence of determining the facts of civil cases. The verdict was rejected. (Procuratorate Dai Xiaowei Chai Rui Xin)

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