No need to get!Nasal spray flu vaccine starts in Kunming about 323 yuan each

Author:Yunnan Net Time:2022.07.14

"This is good, no need to get an injection, spray it in the nose, it doesn't hurt at all." On July 14th, Li Ying (a pseudonym) who came to vaccinate in the Lantong Street, Longquan Street, Longquan Street, Panlong District, Kunming said. Essence On the same day, the frozen -dry nose spray influenza -reduced viral vaccine produced by Changchun Bio Biotechnology Co., Ltd. opened the first batch of vaccination this year in Kunming. The vaccination price is about 323 yuan/branch.

Children who are vaccinated.

Li Ying's mother said that the child is 5 years old and is reading kindergarten. "I saw the monitoring data released by the National Influenza Center before, saying that the positive rate of influenza virus detection in Southern provinces continued to rise, and some provinces entered a high incidence of summer. I just wanted to get the influenza vaccine for children. , Thinking that children are more acceptable, come to make an appointment. "

In this regard, Zhou E, a doctor of the health service station, said that for the child who was vaccinated, this kind of nasal vaccine does not need to be injected, there will be no pain, and it is easier to be accepted. In addition, this vaccine does not cause local redness and pain as easy to cause local redness and pain.

Nose vaccine.

The reporter learned that the vaccine is currently the only influenza vaccine in China that has been evaluated by the effects of pathogenics. Suitable for people aged 3 to 17, inoculate once a year, 1 dose of each time, 0.1 ml in each nostril, and antibodies can be produced in 3 days to achieve the effect of preventing flu.

Experts said that after the influenza virus invades the human body, it exists in mucous membranes such as nasal cavity, respiratory tract, as well as body fluids and cells. Drug administration, producing mucosal immune (IGA antibodies), formed the first immune line of immune defense in the nasal cavity; producing body fluid immune (IgG antibody), removing influenza virus in the body fluid; cellular immune (T cells), removing influenza viruses in the cell. In addition to the vaccine, the vaccine can also provide cross -immunity for other subtype influenza viruses.

At present, the first batch of nasal injection influenza drug reduction vaccines in the influenza season in 2022 have been approved and issued, and they have been shipped to the country to escort the prevention and control of children and adolescent influenza in the national influenza season. Kunming can start in vaccination in late July, and citizens can choose the nearest community health service center for consultation and appointment.

Small common sense with related:

Do people who have already influenza this year need to vaccine?

Since people are generally infected with influenza, they are generally only one of the influenza viruses, and there is still no immunity to other types of viruses. Therefore, even if there is an influenza, it is recommended to vaccinate the flu vaccine to prevent the infected influenza virus.

When is it better to vaccinate the flu vaccine?

Influenza vaccines that have been approved by my country have now approved the fluid vaccine that requires injection and nasal injection influenza reduction vaccines that do not need to be injected. Usually after 2-4 weeks of vaccine vaccination, antibodies with a protective level can be produced. After June to August, antibody titration starts attenuation; inoculation of nasal injection influenza toxic and drug reduction vaccine is generally effective. For more than 12 months. The peak and duration of the influenza activities across my country each year is different. In order to obtain protection before the high incidence of influenza, it should be vaccinated as soon as possible after the flu vaccine was listed in the year. It is best to complete the immunization vaccination by the end of October. If it is not vaccinated by the end of October, it can be vaccinated throughout the popular season. It is recommended that as long as the influenza vaccine starts to supply this year, it can be vaccinated as soon as possible.

Do I need to beolate the flu? Can I stick to school?

The influenza patient is the most contagious 24-48 hours after the onset of the disease. If the students have influenza, they should not participate in the aggregate activity. After the body temperature is restored to normal and the symptoms disappear for 48 hours, they need to go to the community hospital after being evaluated by the doctor and believe that they have recovered and issued a certificate of return to school before the class can be re -class.

Can a child with repeated respiratory diseases inocularly vaccinated with nasal injection vaccines?

In the journal released by International Pediatrics Magazine in January 2015, it was mentioned that nasal injection influenza can reduce the incidence of influenza in children with repeated respiratory tract infections by 52.7 %. Inocular nasal injection flu can reduce the fever disease by 21%, and can also reduce otitis media by 30%.

"Influenza viruses are prone to mutation. The World Health Organization made a recommendation opinion of global influenza vaccine based on the predictive results of the influenza virus population in the next popular season. Vaccine companies in the world produce influenza vaccines of the year based on the prediction results of the WHO. Therefore, The influenza virus strains of influenza vaccines may be different. "Zheng Huizhen, chief expert of the Guangdong Provincial Association of Prevention Medicine, suggested that the annual vaccination of influenza vaccine is the most effective means to prevent influenza, which can significantly reduce the influenza and serious occurrence of the inoccasters and the occurrence of serious occurrence Risk of complications.

In addition to vaccination, what preventive measures do we need in the influenza season?

1. Maintain good hygiene habits and healthy lifestyles:

Washing your hands frequently is one of the simplest and most important measures to prevent influenza transmission.

Frequent ventilation, keep indoor air circulation.

Strengthen exercise, enhance physical fitness, and improve physical immunity.

2. Most direct prevention: Avoid contact with people with influenza -like symptoms.

Influenza patients are the main source of infection. Some people in the family are infected with influenza, and it is recommended to reduce contact with children and the elderly. When you have to contact, you can wear a mask to reduce the risk of infection. reporter Peng Xi Photography Report

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