Safety production war high temperatures are high, and measures are safe and safe

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.07.14

In order to effectively ensure the safety of the vast number of front -line employees and physical and mental health, and ensure the orderly development of on -site safety production activities, China Metallurgical Pokémon Fourth Branch adopted a number of measures to actively cope with the high temperature and high fever weather characteristics of Zhanjiang City.

Since entering the summer, China Metallurgical Pokémon Fourth Branch has held more and measures high temperature and keeping peace.

The deployment meeting was held in advance. The branch immediately organized the team, workshop, project department, and the functional departments of the agency to hold a 2022 summer heat -cooling work arrangement meeting.

Carrying out practical exercises many times to prevent the occurrence of heat stroke accidents due to high temperature and high heat weather, branches actively organize actual combat drills for high temperature and heat stroke emergency plans. So far The drill staff has more than 700 person -times, and at the same time, the production line of Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Factory has conducted 5 actual exercises to ensure that the employees can be treated at the first time when the scene was faced with a high temperature and heat stroke accident at the scene.

Do a good job of distribution of materials on a regular basis. According to the preliminary heatstroke and cooling work arrangement, the branch will regularly do a good job of heatstroke and cooling medicines and drinks. Since April, it has been provided with front -line employees at the scene. More than 14,000 copies of heatstroke and cooling medicines, 31,000 boxes of heat -cooling drinks such as salt soda and mineral water.

Ensure the operation and use of heatstroke and cooling equipment on the spot, and the branch organizes the special inspection of multiple heatstroke prevention and cooling equipment, and arranges the use of air conditioners, fans and refrigerators such as operating points, three rooms and other personnel places to ensure the "three pieces of three pieces of the on -site heatstroke prevention equipment. The set "effective to lower the temperature for front -line employees and send coolness.

Through the implementation of the "one performance, two delivery and three guarantees" measures, the Fourth Branch of China Metallurgical Baosteel ensures the occurrence of the "zero" accident of high temperature and heat stroke in 2022, which fully reflects the company's "people -oriented" concept. At the same time, better escort on -site safety production.

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