Cover the block, standardize parking

Author:Star Sand Times Time:2022.07.14

Xingsha Times (Reporter Sheng Lei Correspondent Huang Lu) In order to strengthen the control of road traffic safety and control in urban areas, prevent and reduce road traffic accidents, and jointly create a good road traffic environment. In the past few days, the Mada Ling Community of Xingsha Street and the Changsha County CPPCC Office The traffic police Xingsha squadron and county maternal and child health hospitals have carried out traffic order rectification operations in urban areas.

Changsha County Maternal and Child Health Hospital often traffic jams at the entrance of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Changsha. The community organized CPPCC members, traffic police, and hospital leaders on the spot and found that due to the large flow of traffic flow, parking spaces in the hospital were very tight. The phenomenon of random parking around the hospital was serious, affecting the order and traffic environment.

The Changsha County CPPCC Office and the community comprehensive policy, coordinate the county maternal and child health care hospitals to add temporary parking lots in the hospital, and prioritize the vehicle parking of personnel who come to pregnancy. In order stop, coordinate the surrounding community real estate to open parking spaces to the masses during the day. In addition, the traffic police punish the license plate of violations without listening to persuasion, strengthen traffic management, and form a blockbustering force.

In this rectification operation, a total of more than 600 uncivilized behaviors were persuaded, and more than 120 violations of various uncivilized transportation violations were investigated and dealt with. rise. Through the joint rectification operation of the department, we will effectively allow the masses to develop the habit of consciously maintaining road traffic order, standardize parking, and consciously resist various types of traffic violations, violations and uncivilized behaviors. The community will also increase publicity and guide residents to strengthen traffic safety awareness. , Civilized travel.

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