Focus on the Provincial Party Congress | Guarding Wanjia Lights in a forced manner -Weifang City Mul

Author:Qingzhou Rong Media Time:2022.06.14

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Stability of employment related to the livelihood of a large family is an important support for economic operations in a reasonable range. Faced with the new situation and challenges, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to employment work, include employment in the important content of high -quality development comprehensive performance assessment, improve and improve employment and migrant workers' leadership agencies, coordinate planning to promote the city's employment and entrepreneurship work, form formed The leaders of the party committee, the government -led, departmental linkage, the joint management, and coordinated operation mechanism.

Employment is a happy life connected to thousands of lights, and one end provides manpower supply for the stable operation of the macroeconomic. All counties, cities, and departments adhere to employment priority, focus on reducing the burden and stabilizing employment, and the majority of entrepreneurs and workers work hard to form a strong support for stable employment. From January to May, there were 43,000 newly added employment in the city, with a timing progress of 45.84%, and the city's employment situation remained stable.

Policy "combination boxing":

Take more powerful measures to stabilize jobs to promote employment

In our city, employment is placed in a prominent position and has obtained unprecedented policy support.

Give full play to the role of policy guidance, promote the promotion of more than 10 special documents such as the "Measures on Doing a Good job in the guarantee of corporate talent employment services" in accordance with the national and provincial policies, and the promotion of the implementation of more than 10 special documents. Evaluate, summarize the formation of the "Weifang City People's Society -related Enterprise Policies", which provides strong policy support for practical employment.

The policy is strong, the expensive sinks to the end, and the landing is effective. In order to promote employment groups such as college graduates and migrant workers as soon as possible, and encourage various market entities to stabilize work and stabilize work, our city has continuously increased policy implementation.

——In actively promote the employment of college graduates, carry out more than 200 activities at all levels and various types of activities, distribute college students' living subsidies of 7.4097 million yuan, talent purchase subsidies of 38.454 million yuan, and employment trainee subsidy of 637,000 yuan.

——The "Spring Wind Action" at the third level of the city, county and townships, and accurately build a platform for people to do the platform to promote the stable employment of migrant workers.

——Accover the proportion of small and medium -sized enterprises in the service industry market to 90%, optimize business processes, compress the processing time, and reduce the cost of enterprise work.

——Shamn the scope of the benefit of the subsidy to improve the subsidy, continue to motivate and guide the majority of employees in the enterprise to enhance vocational skills, carry out vocational skills training, and effectively alleviate the lack of work and skills of enterprises.

—— Accelerate the implementation of the policy of entrepreneurial guarantee loan, and alleviate the financing of small and micro enterprises and organization entrepreneurs.

——The policy of continuing to reduce the unemployment insurance rate of unemployment insurance rate for one year, reduced the total rate from 1.5%to 1%, and the execution period was April 30, 2023 to ensure that the national and provincial phased social insurance premium decision -making deployment Implement landing.

Innovative service:

The key to stabilizing employment is to stabilize enterprises

Small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households with large and large -sides are the important foundation of the economy and the main support of employment. Innovative services in our city to ensure that enterprises use work smoothly and stable.

Establish a convenient recruitment service platform, use the "main venue+branch venue", city and county linkage and other models, hold 619 recruitment activities such as live broadcast and posts, participate in 15,000 recruitment companies, provide 531,000 posts, and cumulative number of job seekers 47.2 47.2 Thousands of people and 72,000 employment intentions.

Strengthen the concept of "precision talent", summarize the formation of "Top Ten Industries" of Weifang City in 2022, and the Catalog of Talent Talent Benefits of the Grade of Weifang, and carry out a series of talents in various channels. Continue to improve the quality and efficiency of high -level talents. Strengthen the construction of the "Kite Capital Card" service brand, and do a good job of the 2022 provincial expert service base and provincial expert service grassroots demonstration project application. Five people in our city have obtained Lulu Entrepreneurship Launch Support Program, and the number of support accounted for one -sixth of the province.

Make every effort to ensure the good operation of the provincial and municipal entrepreneurial demonstration platform, and continue to promote the construction of two provincial -level entrepreneurial innovation demonstration complexes. The town was selected as the first batch of provincial characteristic towns in Shandong Province.

Innovate the "Entrepreneurship Contest+" model, promote the comprehensive efforts of entrepreneurial elements such as platform construction, financial services, and talent attracting, and plant entrepreneurial fertile soil.

Grasp the opportunity of the "Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry" in Weifang, accelerate the "1+N" management and operation system of the Study Park, and create a new high -end talent innovation and entrepreneurship highland.

See the true chapter in the precision:

Anchor key industries, key areas, and key groups to strengthen service supply

In response to the increase in employment pressure, the city's heavy grasp of college graduates, migrant workers and other group employment.

Highlight the key points to put the employment of college graduates first. Vigorously implement the employment and entrepreneurship promotion plan of college graduates, and comprehensively implement support policies such as college student living subsidies and talent safety projects. Strengthen the implementation of the "Three Branches and One Support" plan and encourage college students to go to grassroots employment and entrepreneurship. Implementing the "Employment Trainee Wangang Raising Plan", providing more than 10,000 employment trainees during the year. Deepen the actions of "3V" of college graduates to stay, Huiwei, and Lai Wei's "3V", and build an employment docking platform for college graduates. Since the beginning of this year, 47 special recruitment such as "Caiju Ku Du Du Directoral School" has been launched, and 1,614 master doctors have been introduced. The bottom of the guarantee to ensure the employment of graduates in difficulties, and do a good job of employment assistance from unable employment graduates from school.

Last year, the city was built and opened up 20 "zero -workers", with a annual service of 3.6 million people. Compared with the previous "road market", the success rate of finding a living has increased from 60%to more than 90%.Weifang City has become a city that implements the national "14th Five -Year Plan" employment plan to promote the construction of the zero -industrial market in the country.This year, our city continues to make a strong "zero -worker" service brand, innovate service measures such as electronic contracts, orders for order, and accidental injury guarantee to promote the income increase and rights protection of zero -workers.Broaden the employment channels such as migrant workers.The "Spring Wind Action" in the third -level city, county and townships, and realizing "care, help, and support for employment, support, and support".

The expansion and improvement operation of urban and rural public welfare positions is used as a major political task to ensure employment in difficult groups, and actively eliminates the remaining labor force of urban and rural areas. At present, 34,800 posts have been developed, and 34,600 people have been resettled.

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