Ma Bingying and his party came to Lishi District Procuratorate to conduct special investigations on the procuratorial work of minors.

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.07.14

In order to comprehensively implement the "Protection Law of the Minor" and "Prevention of Minor Crime" and escort the healthy growth of minors, Ma Bingying, director of the Luliang Municipal People's Congress Supervisory Committee of the People's Congress of Luliang Adult procuratorial work conducted special investigations.

During the investigation, I first visited the unprepared case of the minor inquiry (interrogation) room, help classroom, psychological guidance room, and emotional venting room, and watched the self -made "Unborn Crime and Family Education" feature film. Then the symposium was held by the party group members in charge of the prosecutor of minors and deputy prosecution, Comrade Chang Tianfeng from the deputy prosecutor, from comprehensively implementing the unified and unified handling mechanism of the unpaid business, implementing the combination of strikes and protection, and promoting the formation of the "four major procuratorials" fusion. Adults' judicial protection pattern and adherence to the implementation of the four aspects of the implementation of the "two laws" and "No. 1 procuratorial advice" as the focus on the work of campus safety and rule of law education.

At the symposium, the participants talked about feelings, discussing measures, and suggestions. The atmosphere was active, and the discussion was fierce. It fully affirmed the unpaid work of Li Shi District Procuratorate. Cooperate with valuable opinions.

In the end, Yang Wensheng, secretary of the party group and prosecutor of our hospital, made a concluding speech, saying that the opinions of the investigation team were very willing, and they were very targeted and guided for our next step to carry out unpaid work. It also emphasized that the first is to improve the ideological understanding of the importance of unprooped work, strengthen cooperation with relevant departments, and promote the construction of a minor protection work system for the construction of families, schools, society, networks, governments, and justice. The second is to build the highlights of the unproof brand. Create a "one -stop" unpaid case handling area in line with the physical and mental characteristics of minors, and create a rule of law education base and a family education guidance workstation. The third is to perform duties in accordance with the law. Our hospital will take this survey as an opportunity, take supervision and implement the "No. 1 Procuratorate" as a traction, take the "Quality Construction Year" as the starting point, and focus on strengthening the comprehensive judicial protection of minors. , Comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the procuratorial work of minors, serve the safe and healthy growth of minors, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions. (Miao Jifeng)

Li Shi Procuratorate

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