33 projects, 37.655 billion!The 17th Wine Expo Luzhou Investment Promotion Conference and Project Signing Ceremony was held

Author:Luzhou released Time:2022.07.14

On July 14, the 17th China International Wine Industry Expo Luzhou Investment Promotion Conference and project signing ceremony were held at the Nanyuan Conference Center. A total of 33 major industrial projects were signed with a total investment of 37.655 billion yuan.

Concentrated projects include: Hainan Sanya Zhonghui Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Luzhou) "Landmark Food Breeding Heritage Industrial Park" project, Three Gorges New Energy (Luzhou) distributed photovoltaic power station demonstration project, Beijing Aerospace Science and Technology Group (Luzhou) Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park Project, etc. The category of signing items covers key areas such as liquor, electronic information, equipment manufacturing, and integration of cultural tourism. The successful signing of these projects will make up for the city's industrial chain, enrich the industrial ecosystem, consolidate the industrial foundation, accelerate the upgrading of industrial files, and inject a strong driving force into the city's high -quality development of the city.

In recent years, Luzhou Economic Cooperation System has vigorously implemented the "dual -recruitment and dual quotes" and "quotient recovery" project, fully carried out the "100 -day tackling" operation of manufacturing investment promotion, and formulated and issued the "Investment in the situation of the epidemic prevention and control situation. "Ten Measures of Invoicing Work" and other documents have continuously created a good atmosphere of investment promotion, and the achievements of investment promotion achieve "double -quality ascension".

At the intensive signing ceremony of the Luzhou Investment Promotion Conference and Cooperation Project, 79 well -known enterprises or business associations including Guanjie Technology Group, Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Ito Yang Huatang, Taiguang Electronics, Hailu Cement, Sichuan Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce participated in the event Essence

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