Search for more than 500 boxes of smuggling wines of more than 3 million yuan

Author:Customs release Time:2022.07.14

Recently, Dalian Customs's Dayaowan Customs seized a hidden wine smuggling case in the freight channel, captured 5 suspects, and seized 3 batches of items involved in the case. The initial estimated case value was more than 3 million yuan.

When the customs officers at the customs were opened to check a batch of imported goods, they found that they had not declared wine and were suspected of pseudo -reporting. The customs immediately launched the risk linkage mechanism of the port, controlled the suspects at the scene, seized the goods involved in the case, and seized more than 500 boxes such as Yamazaki's whiskey, McCar Wheel whiskey, Hennessy and other goods. The case is currently under investigation.

Customs reminds: According to relevant regulations, evade customs supervision by hiding, disguise, concealment, false reports, or other methods, transportation, carrying, mailing countries to prohibit or restrict the goods, items, or the goods and items that should be paid in accordance with the law or pay taxes in accordance with the law. Exit -out is smuggling. If the circumstances seriously constitute a crime, they will be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Related Reading:

Where did the customs penalty?

Reprinted, please indicate the source "Customs Release"

Supply/ Dalian Customs

Preparation/ Tao Yong

Trial/ Zhao Ningning, Lei Yan

Edit/ Dai Jun

Art Editor/ Wei Hao

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