Nanyang Market Supervision Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment held the first half of the 2022 work meeting

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.07.14

On July 14, the Nanyang Market Supervision Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment held a conference on the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Work Conference and Party Style and Clean Government Construction Conference in the first half of 2022. Cao Deyu, a member of the party group of the Municipal Bureau, the party committee secretary of the detachment, and the captain of the detachment, attended the meeting, and personnel of the deputy department of the detachment attended the meeting.

The meeting summarized and reviewed the comprehensive administrative law enforcement work of the market supervision and the construction of the party style and clean government in the first half of 2022, and reported the typical cases of the Communist Party of China on the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China. The existing problems were conducted in detail; the detachment's comprehensive administrative law enforcement work and party style and clean government construction work in the second half of the year of the detachment were arranged and deployed; the meeting notified the case handling of the detachment of the detachment in the first half of the year, and the six brigades made exchanges.

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the detachment has conscientiously implemented the work and deployment of the party group of the municipal bureau, adhered to the overall planning of normalization of the epidemic prevention and control work, closely followed the functional responsibilities, strengthened the investigation of the case, strictly administered in accordance with the law, and carried out in -depth activities. Continue to optimize the business environment, severely crack down on market illegal acts, fully maintain market order, firmly adhere to the market security bottom line, and achieve remarkable results.

The first is to focus on building service -oriented institutions and strongly promote comprehensive law enforcement. Since the beginning of this year, the detachment has closely focused on the work of the municipal bureau center, observing the original intention and responsibility, daring to light up the sword, law enforcement has been the people, insisting on maintaining the market order of "not hesitant", "non -stop", and "non -relaxation" to protect legal rights and interests. The law enforcement audit work has been fully affirmed by the Provincial Bureau, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

The second is to focus on building a "epidemic" defense line to serve the overall situation of development. In the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic, more than 7,000 law enforcement officers were dispatched, 2,600 retail pharmacies were inspected, 1,700 were inspected for the main body of cold chain food business, commercial supermarkets, restaurants, and imported goods business entities. 442, ordered to stop the business and rectify 48, successfully completed the task of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control assigned by the superiors, and practiced the "detachment can fight hard fighting, dare to fight tough battles during the Spring Festival condolences. The spirit of the detachment of the sound of fighting, the victory of the battle "condensed positive energy up and down in the system and established a banner.

The third is to focus on improving the well -being of people's livelihood and safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses. Aiming at the illegal and illegal acts existing in the field of people's livelihood, focus on the troubles and worries of the masses, and carry out in -depth "iron fist" actions in the field of people's livelihood. Carry out special rectification of traditional Chinese medicine beverage markets, special rectification of edible oil production enterprises, special operations of unreasonable and unreasonable price increases, and special operations in the field of education.

The fourth is to focus on serving the economic development and promote enterprises to do excellence. Entering companies such as Nanyang High -tech Zone Hospital, Nanyang Jade Factory, Nanyang Wanhe Yiyuan, Nanyang Middle Hospital, Nanyang Zhang Zhongjing Hospital, Nanyang Lekai Huaguang Co., Ltd. and other enterprises held 8 service law enforcement symposiums.

Fifth, focus on the concept of turning and reflect the first -class law enforcement team. We will carry out in -depth activities of the "conceptual ability and style construction year", actively carry out the "through process", "no" matters to "relegation", "mass evaluation" activities in key departments, and pay close attention to the special governance of style construction. Carry out law enforcement business training activities for "big competitions, big training", take positions as military training fields, and do tasks as career. Through the great training, we have enriched the knowledge, improved their ability, and improved the level.

Sixth, focus on precise implementation measures and promote the creation of quality improvement. Carry out the "civilized cells" creation activities, "send warmth, donate love" donation activities, and learn Lei Feng volunteer service activities. Actively participated in the "Market Supervision Science Popularization Contest" activities organized by the Provincial Bureau and Municipal Bureau. Three comrades won the second prize and third prize of the Municipal Bureau, and a comrade won the first prize of the Provincial Bureau. We will earnestly organize the "Celebration of Seventh One • Transfer of Concept, Effective Effects, Promoting Development, and New Wind" speech contest, and carefully shoot short videos of "Fa", which fully demonstrates the good image of the detachment in creating a business environment and warm law enforcement.

The meeting made arrangements for the work of the second half of the year:

The first is to further strengthen the construction of the team. By grasping the team and bringing the team, the strong quality of the ability, we will create a "dry" culture in the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team, create a "dry" atmosphere, and improve the "dry" mechanism.

The second is to further emancipate ideas and strengthen measures, advanced standards, strong tackling, law enforcement in accordance with the law, civilized law enforcement, continuous optimization of the business environment, and optimizing the business environment to promote the comprehensive administrative law enforcement of market supervision to a new level, promote service type Law enforcement work has highlights and achievements.

The third is to further carry out the activities of the "Conceptual Capability and Style Construction Year" activity, vigorously enhance political ability, professional ability, reform and innovation capabilities, overall development and security capabilities, and mass work capabilities, create a bow to enter the game, take responsibility, forge ahead, reform and innovate, reform and innovate, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation, reform and innovation. As a result, the strong atmosphere of guidance and harvesting was held to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party with excellent results.

The fourth is to further strengthen law enforcement, take the field of people's livelihood as the focus of law enforcement, focus on power supply, water supply, gas supply, heating, bank insurance, medical, hospitals, real estate, and other market competition in related industries and fields in people's livelihood. Illegal acts.

Fifth, further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government, conscientiously implement the "one position and two responsibilities", strengthen the source prevention and control, strengthen system construction, standardize law enforcement behaviors, and promote the high -quality development of party building work.

Sixth, further increase training, continue to carry out the training activities of "big competition, big training" law enforcement business, strengthen laws and regulations and law enforcement skills training, highlight the training of on -site practical combat, inquiry and confrontation, and improve the level of comprehensive law enforcement.(Qi Xiaosong) Editor: Hu Mingyue

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