[Stable Economic Promotion Development · Policy Interpretation (Ten)] Cost -to -cost blocking points Broken Difficulties to ensure the safe and stable production chain

Author:Luliang Radio and TV Station Time:2022.07.14

Today, we invite Niu Jianbin, deputy director of the Municipal Industry and Information Bureau to the studio to answer the policy of "Luliang City Implementing the State Council and Shanxi Province's Policy and Measures for the Economic Parment".

Moderator Chen Ran: Today we invite Niu Jianbin, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Credit Bureau, to the implementation plan of the "Luliang City Implementation of the State Council and Shanxi Province's Policies and Measures for Economic Parners" issued by the city The measures were answered on the spot. Hello, Director Niu, since this year, we have closely taken the lead in the "Double Five" strategy proposed in the government work report, took the lead in the province, planned the twelve major key industrial industry chains, and combined with the promotion of market entities multiplied projects to formulate the project to formulate a multiplier project to formulate the project subject to formulate it. Specific action plan. What are the industrial chains that cultivate and develop around our city?

Niu Jianbin, deputy director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau: Since this year, we have actively planned the construction of key industrial chain in our city in accordance with the top ten industrial chain construction requirements determined by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and the work arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The chain leader, chain leader unit, work class, the city focuses on the 12 industrial industry chain, namely hydrogen energy, liquor, new energy vehicle, photovoltaic industry, special steel materials, high -end equipment manufacturing, aluminum and magnesium deep processing, modern coal, modern coal Chemical, modern medicine, wind power equipment, third -generation semiconductor, and synthetic biological chain.

Moderator Chen Ran: What are the main measures to promote the cultivation of key industry chains around the cultivation of the industrial chain?

Niu Jianbin, Deputy Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau: The main measures we have taken: First, support the "chain owner" enterprises to become stronger and bigger. Focusing on the key industrial chain, determine 1-2 households "chain owners" and "chain nuclear" enterprises, and support the introduction of manufacturing enterprises inside and outside the province to settle in the "chain owner" scale in our city, and encourage industry leaders to set up manufacturing bases and industrial service agencies in our city in our city. Essence

The second is to accelerate the development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Encourage leading leading enterprises to be a good "chain owner", carry out business promotion, attract enterprises, and introduce supporting enterprises to settle in, and realize the development of chain clusters with "one enterprise with one chain, one chain one by one".

The third is to promote the core technology of the industrial chain. Encourage the "chain owner" enterprises to jointly form an innovation consortium with upstream and downstream enterprises, and actively organize corporate declaration and reward funds that meet the provincial -supported industrial chain core technology research policy.

The fourth is to increase support for key projects in the industrial chain. Select 2-5 key construction projects for each industrial chain, establish and improve the key industrial chain project library, and do a good job of project dynamic monitoring and tracking services. For key industrial chain "building chain, extension chain, supplementary chain, and strong chain" project, actively organize enterprises to apply for provincial technology transformation projects, and give discounted or subsidized support.

Fifth, the four major working mechanisms are established. (1) It is to establish a municipal leadership leadership promotion mechanism and strengthen organizational leadership guarantee. (2) It is to establish a work closed -loop management operation mechanism and serve in the form of a special class. (3) Establish a single management mechanism to clarify the development standards and implementation paths of the industrial chain. (4) Establish a comprehensive support service mechanism, focus on coordinating and solving production factors such as land, water, and electricity, and promote the implementation of the production chain project as soon as possible.

Moderator Chen Ran: Around the comprehensive implementation of the stability of the stable economy, how can we ensure that these measures can be effective?

Niu Jianbin, Deputy Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau: The main measures we take: First, implement the policy of benefiting enterprises. Comprehensively implement the overall requirements of the country and the provincial "to prevent the epidemic, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe." Implementation, the implementation of the top, accurate and direct, efficient and fast, not discount.

The second is to strengthen operation monitoring. Implement a January one -month scheduling on key counties, cities, and key enterprises, and timely discover problems existing in the production and operation process of enterprises, helping enterprises solve the "pain point" and open up "blocking points".

The third is to promote project construction. Focus on promoting the construction of 100 transformation technical reform projects, starting the project in the early stage, starting projects to start production, and put into production projects to achieve effectiveness. Strive for the production of about 40 technical reform projects throughout the year, and form a new economic growth point. The fourth is to carry out the service of entering the enterprise. Implement the service model of "Mom -style" and "Store Primary School" to enter the enterprise, penetrate the publicity and implementation of the central government, provinces, and municipalities to help enterprises and help enterprises to relieve the rescue policies, so that the policies will be implemented. Continue to promote the normalization of service enterprises, unblock the channel acceptance channels of the three -in -one problem of "online, offline, and hotline", and improve the problem of solution and ending of the problem.

Fifth, strengthen production safety. Establish the concept of security development, adhere to the people's supremacy, life is first, strictly implement the management of the industry must manage safety, the management of business must manage safety, the production and operation must manage safety safety responsibilities, the economy must stabilize, and development must be safe.

Moderator Chen Ran: Thank you Director Niu's policy answers to us. For specific policies and measures on the basic people's livelihood and measures to stabilize the basic people's livelihood, please continue to pay attention to the eleventh issue of the column of "Stable Economy Promoting Development · Policy Interpretation".

Reporter: Liu Limin, Liu Sipeng Chen Yan

Broadcasting: Zhang Yifan

Edit: Feng Ningjing

Trial: Geng Ruishan Zhang Yingying


New media editor: Cui Wei

New media review: Zhang Yanan

New media producer: Geng Ruishan Zheng Fangmin

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