Wang Juntang led a team to the grass -roots contact point to conduct investigations

Author:Builder Time:2022.07.14

On July 13, Wang Juntang, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the China Construction Bureau and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, went to the grass -roots contact point -Beijing Company to conduct a survey. Liu Bing, deputy chief economist of the Bureau, participated in the investigation. The relevant departments of the headquarters and Beijing Company conducted business discussions and work exchanges.

At the symposium, Wang Juntang focused on the overall operation of the Beijing company in the first half of the year, and listened to the specific working conditions of the party's construction, marketing, production performance, business management, financial fund management, system construction, risk prevention and control, etc. At this stage The work development and the key work in the second half of the year are put forward:

We must adhere to the party building to lead the "one game" and do a good job of party building. It is necessary to put the party's political construction first, give full play to the role of "direction, the overall situation, and promote implementation", grasp the work of the party's work style and clean government and anti -corruption work, continue to promote the "five value creation points" decoding, promote party building work Mutual integration with business work provides inexhaustible motivation for the high -quality development of enterprises.

It is necessary to strengthen the level of business efficiency and do a good job of cash flow management. It is necessary to keep up with profitability to improve the goal, change business management ideas, strengthen communication and coordination of all parties, and comprehensively improve the level of business management. The members of the team should take responsibility, do a good job of coordinating and forming a joint force, and take multiple measures to accelerate the recovery of funds such as the project funds, so as to accept it.

It is necessary to improve the quality of marketing and do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic. It is necessary to keep up with the pace of high -quality development, strengthen the construction of the marketing system, enhance the hard power of the enterprise market competition, steadily accelerate the pace of new business expansion, and continue to make efforts in urban renewal, new infrastructure, and new energy. It is necessary to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and production and operation, implement various measures, further strengthen supervision and inspection, and provide strong service support.

Continue to carry out the "six special operations" to strengthen the system construction work. It is necessary to compact the responsibility of party organizations at all levels, implement the working mechanism, timely dry the results, and promote the key tasks of the "Six Specialization Actions". Take the opportunity of the "headquarters ability construction year", effectively improve the management and control capacity of the headquarters, accelerate the construction of the authorization system, make every effort to promote the construction of a third -level entity business institution, and further improve the efficiency and regional influence of territorial resource allocation.

Relevant persons in charge of the Bureau of Commerce Management, Finance Management, Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and Beijing Company attended the meeting.

Responsible editor: Wang Jingjing

School pair: Yunlong

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Content source: Beijing Company

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