[Centennial Action] Continue to "add" for the midsummer peace and peace

Author:Fuzhou Public Security Time:2022.07.14

In the past few days

Lean County Public Security Bureau continues to carry out

Summer public security strike "100 -day action"

Focus on the main business

With heart and affection

Maximum squeezing illegal criminal space

Continuously enhance the sense of happiness and security of the people


A small thing is not wrong for a moment

Thanks to a ray of warmth


Recently, after the police of the Public Security Bureau of Le'an County recruited the police from the police station to take the masses for help, they quickly moved to many places, investigating and visiting in many parties, helping the masses find a lost mobile phone in the shortest time. In the Jinqi, the masses praised the spiritual attitude of the police and auxiliary police officers and the spirit of work to solve problems for the masses.


Shun Teng will catch a long way to catch


The Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Lean County Public Security Bureau found that some people in Taizhou in Zhejiang sold a large number of WeChat were used for telecommunications fraud. On July 6, the Criminal Investigation Brigade arrested Cai Mou, suspected of helping the criminal suspect of helping information network criminal activities in Taizhou. After investigation, Cai registered WeChat by purchasing a large number of mobile phone cards and second -hand mobile phones, and then sold WeChat, illegally profitable for tens of thousands of yuan. The case handler quickly judged Cai's launch, and then the criminal investigation brigade immediately organized personnel to rush to Fujian. On July 11, Wang Mou was arrested and brought to justice. At present, Cai and Wang have been criminally detained according to law, and the case is still under investigation.


Quick reconnaissance quickly break through many gambling cases


On the evening of July 6, the Public Security Brigade and the Gongxi Police Station seized the gambling case of "shielding" in the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction to capture 4 illegal suspects. At present, four illegal suspects have been punished by law and order in accordance with the law.

On the evening of July 12, the Public Security Brigade and the Gongfang Police Station seized two gambling cases of Mahjong and Holder "shields" in the jurisdiction, and arrested eight illegal suspects. At present, eight illegal suspects have been punished by law and order in accordance with the law.

On July 12, the Gongfang Police Station quickly seized three cases of gambling in a community in the jurisdiction and arrested 12 illegal suspects. At present, 12 illegal suspects have been punished by law and order in accordance with the law.


Make every effort to maintain the safety of the people's property


The Huxi Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Le'an County cracked a theft case. At present, the illegal actors Wu Moumou, Guo Moumou and others have been punished by the public security organs according to law.

The police of the Special Patrol Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Le'an County passed through many visits, comprehensively analyzed and judged, cracked two electric vehicles stolen cases, mobile phones were stolen, and theft personnel were captured and the stolen items were recovered.

Next, the public security organs will continue to advance

Summer public security strike "100 -day action"

Strictly crack down on illegal crimes

Solve the problems for the masses

Promote peace and harmony with practical actions

Welcome the 20th CPC victory of the party with excellent results!

Source/Le'an Public Security

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