Is the extension hybrid backward?Germany cancels 2035 carbon neutralization targets | Cover every day, see the fire wheel

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.15

Wei brand Li Ruifeng and Huawei Yu Chengdong "Bar on the bar"

Recently, in response to the extension of hybrid technology, Wei brand Li Ruifeng and Huawei Yu Chengdong "discussed the Tao" on Weibo. On the 13th, Li Ruifeng posted a Weibo saying that "the car has been lifted" to ask the M5. The big debate cannot be avoided.

Germany cancels the 2035 carbon neutrality?

According to foreign media reports, Germany intends to modify the draft law and cancel its climate target that "carbon neutrality" in the energy industry before 2035. At present, the draft modification has been passed in the lower house of Germany. It is worth noting that the German climate target does not have a carbon neutrality in 2035, and the official emission reduction target is to reach carbon neutrality in 2045. So cancel the carbon neutrality in 2035, not established!

The electric vehicle climb Mount Everest, it is no longer a new thing

Recently, a Tesla owner, who is a "lonely", arrived at the foot of Everest more than 2,000 kilometers from Chengdu, which caused a lot of discussion. In fact, the distance between electric vehicles has become farther and farther in recent years, and full electricity may come earlier.

Wal -Mart ordered 4,500 electric vehicles

According to foreign media reports, Wal -Mart said on July 12 that the company had reached an agreement with Canoo to purchase 4,500 electric vehicles from the latter as part of the company's realization of net zero emission goals by 2040. Next, will the courier giants purchase electric vehicles in large quantities?

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