Latest dynamics: Wu said that the grain export problem has made a progress in Russian media saying that the next round of talks or next week

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.15

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 14th. Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency reporters reported: Ukrainian President Zelei Sky said on the 13th that according to the Ukraine delegation, on the same day, Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, was held in Ukraine. The Quartet talks have made some progress. The Russian News Agency quoted the sources on the 14th that the next round of talks may be held from the 20th to 21st of this month.

——Ar Ukraine President's website, President Ukraine Zeelianzki said on the 13th that according to the Ukraine delegation, the Quartet talks on the exports of Wu Food will make some progress. In the next few days, it will coordinate details with the United Nations Secretary -General. He also thanked the United Nations for their efforts with Turkey.

——Suro Secretary -General Gutres welcomed the progress of the Quartet talks on the issue of Ukraine's grain exports on the 13th. Gutres said that the talks have made substantial progress, and the relevant parties have reached a consensus on specific issues such as control mechanisms, coordination mechanisms, and thunderstorms. He hopes that all parties will hold talks again in the near future in order to reach the final agreement.

——Tracka -Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zaharava said on the 14th that Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, and the United Nations will continue to be held on the problem of Ukraine's grain export issues. She said that the four -party talks discussed the grain issues in detail, and the Quartet looked forward to reaching an agreement.

——Arh reported on the 14th of the Ukrainian National News Agency, Yeermak, director of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, said that according to the results of the Quartet talks, all parties agreed to set up a joint coordination center in Istanbul under the host of the United Nations to conduct overall monitoring and overall monitoring and overall sailing of ships in the Black Sea area. coordination.

——The Russian News Agency quoted the sources on the 14th that the next round of talks may be held from the 20th to 21st of this month.

——Shaharava said at a routine press conference on the 14th that Ukraine uses the US high -powered multi -tube multi -tube rocket launcher system provided by the United States to attack Donbass in many places. Uhwu uses rocket launchers.

——Accaharova said on the 13th that Russia will closely pay close attention to the implementation of the EU's measures on the issue of the EU on the Garyinrad's transit transportation issues. She said that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is carefully studying the explanation of the European Commission. The European Union decided to terminate the restrictions on railway transportation from a certain range of goods, which reflects the facts of seeking truth from facts and soberness.

——Anly reported on the 14th, the Russian army launched a "caliber" cruise missile from the submarine in the Black Sea that day to the central center of Vennica. The Chief Executive of Vennica's military executive Sergei Borzov said that as of the afternoon of the same day, the attack caused 21 people in Wendica, and 51 were admitted to the hospital for treatment.

——Upong News Agency on the 14th quoted the military departments of Wuwu, reported that the Russian army fired missiles on the Nicholaev and Halkov region that day. In addition, the Russian army is assembling troops near the front line of Helson.

——Trase, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Konashenkov said on the 14th that since special military operations, the Russian army destroyed a total of 249 aircraft, 137 helicopters, 1534 drones, 354 air defense missile systems, 4050, 4050 Tanks and other armored vehicles, 744 multi -tube rockets, 3145 field fire guns and mortars, 4292 special military vehicles. (Participate in reporters: Li Ao, Li Ming, Li Dongxu, Geng Pengyu)

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