Seawater washing tails and silkworms have no reproduction ... Zhejiang Science and Technology Award winning results make you eye -opening

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.15

Zhejiang News Client reporter He Dongjian Lin Jing Zheng Wen

In the micro -nano scale, light and heat can be converted to each other; female silkworms can be asexual reproduction; liver cancer immunotherapy is expected to be more accurate ...

A few days ago, at the province's science and technology innovation conference, the 2021 Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Award of 299 award -winning results showed a wonderful appearance, showing that Zhejiang's scientific and technological innovation of scientific and technological innovation continued to surge.

We chose the "high -precision" results of the first prize, and talked with the "strongest brain" behind the results to a glimpse of the mysteries and stories hidden in the science and technology award.

Millet thermal management fabric work scene. Figures of West Lake University

The first prize of Zhejiang Natural Science Award

Flip "the front and back of the clothes"

Replace the heat dissipation and change it.

Light and heat are the two most common energy forms of nature in nature, and they can be transformed between the two. For example, the sun is a high -temperature black body of 5500 ° C. It radiates the sunlight we perceive, and we can feel the heat in absorbing the sun under the sun.

"Micro -nano -scale light thermal control and application" is to study the structural interaction between light and microfimal standards, and generates the mutual conversion of light and heat. The project is completed by Zhejiang University and West Lake University. "Light to heat conversion is the absorption of light, and the heat conversion is thermal radiation." Qiu Yan, the first person to complete the project and the Guoqiang professor of the School of Engineering of the West Lake University, said.

Different from the traditional macro -material system, the structure of micro -nano -standard has greatly changed the interaction of light and material, thereby generating a series of new mechanisms, new phenomena and new applications. The research of Qiu Yan's team is based on this. As early as 2010, they designed and realized the high -efficiency absorption of the light wave segment of the metal micro -nano structure, becoming a pioneer in the field of light -scale light absorption. After that, they continued to cultivate in the direction of "light absorption" and "thermal radiation", and achieved a series of important results.

In terms of light absorption, the research team achieved light to the object movement in the vacuum environment for the first time. The study got rid of the dependence of the traditional light driver on the liquid environment, opened up the segment of light -driven light -driven in a non -liquid environment, and entered the cover of the journal of the Physics Review Express and became a recommendation paper for the editor. The research team also developed a differential device for simulation operations, and the research results were selected as the "Top Ten Progress of China Optics 2017".

In terms of thermal radiation, the research team uses the composite phase material of the micro -nanoson structure to enhance the change of thermal radiation through the local area of ​​the light field, and successfully breaks through the bottleneck of thermal radiation regulation. Specifically, near the room temperature, if you need to double the radiation intensity, the target needs to be warmed by about 60 ° C, and the target temperature can be achieved by using the research team's innovative material structure system.

Based on the micro -nano -scale light thermal control, the research team also developed a heat management fabric with multi -functional heat insulation, heat dissipation, and power generation. It is equivalent to a "clothes" only need to flip the "front and back", which can switch the cooling and thermal insulation in the indoor air conditioner, and this "clothes" can also be used for heat power generation. The device is charged. This process can also be applied to the heat management of buildings, infrared camouflage, etc.

The charm of basic scientific research is that once a breakthrough is achieved at the theoretical level, it is likely to start a new world. Qiu Yan said that although their research on micro -standard light thermal regulation and application has lasted 15 years, more than 80 papers were published before and after, and solutions were proposed for the basic difficulties of light absorption and thermal radiation. "But at present What we see is just the "corner of the iceberg". Next, we will continue to explore the mechanism of lighting with material interaction at micro -nano -scale, and accelerate the advancement of new technologies such as light -thermal nano -drives to walk out of the laboratory, move towards the market, and develop for economic and social development. Contribute."

Liang Tingbo (front) led the team to research. Photo Conferry at the First Hospital of Zhejiang University

The first prize of Zhejiang Natural Science Award

Catch the escape cancer cells

Liver cancer treatment is more accurate

The incidence of liver cancer is high, and it is easy to recur and metastasize after surgery. Although the latest therapy such as immunotherapy has brought hope for patients with liver cancer, how to crack the liver cancer immune escape mechanism and improve the efficacy of immunotherapy is still one of the difficulties for liver cancer treatment.

Professor Liang Tingbo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University, and the research team of Professor Liang Tingbo, an expert in liver and gallbladder and pancreas surgery. Competitive advantage in the field of liver cancer research.

What is the specific study of "liver cell carcinoma immune escape mechanism"? Liang Tingbo had an image of an image to reporters: if the human immune cells were compared to the "police", for the healthy human body, the "enemy and bad" generated by cell aging, injury, and mutation would be "police" as soon as possible by the "police" as soon as possible. Discover and clear. However, liver cancer cells are too cunning, and they use "transformation techniques" to trick "police" to believe that it is normal cells, which escapes and grows freely.

So, how did liver cancer cells evade immunization surveillance in the initial stage? How to fight local immune attacks during growth? How does liver cancer cell metastasis resist peripheral immune removal?

Focusing on these core issues, the Liang Tingbo scientific research team aimed at the key stages of the beginning, growth, and metastasis of the beginning, growth, and metastasis of liver cancer, conducted in -depth and systematic research, comprehensively analyzed the immune escape mechanism of liver cancer, and achieved a series of original results.

For patients with liver cancer, it is expected to benefit from it in the future. Professor Liang Tingbo said that immunotherapy has a satisfactory effect on a variety of tumors, but it is only effective for about 15%of patients with liver cancer. This study tries to find the reason behind it, which is the basis for the type of judgment of patients who are suitable for immunotherapy. "The significance of this research result is that in the future, the immunotherapy of liver cancer will be more accurate, while improving the efficacy while reducing unnecessary side effects." Liang Tingbo emphasized that there is still a long way to go in basic research to clinical transformation. Next The team will further excavate the tumor immunity and escape mechanism, develop small molecular drugs for new targets and mechanisms discovered, and strive to transform basic research results into the actual effect of clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Cai Xiujun (first from right) led the team to surgery. Photo confession

Zhejiang Provincial Technology Invention Award First Prize

Give full play to human healing ability

Completion of a bracket degradation in the body

Gecko broken tails, crab broken limbs regeneration ... The miracle of life in nature is omnipresent. Can human technology get some inspiration in it?

Recently, Professor Cai Xiujun, the dean of Zhejiang University Shawiyi Hospital, invented the "development and application of degradable brackets and the creation of stent fascinating germ organ", especially in colorectal surgery, can effectively exert the ability of human tissue to heal. Avoid secondary return surgery. At present, this surgical method has carried out more than 200 cases in more than 10 domestic hospitals, with exact effect and actively promoted overseas.

After the low colorectal surgery, in order to protect the anastomosis, the traditional method will make a presence to make the content of the intestine divert and turn to the body. This method does bring benefits to the healing of anastomosis, but after three to six months, it is necessary to operate twice to bring inconvenience and pain to patients, affecting their lives and social interaction.

The degradable intestinal consistency is the proud work of Cai Xiujun's team. According to reports, this type of bracket is mainly made of polyetric acid, which can be degraded into carbon dioxide and water in the human body, and contains sulfate, which can monitor its location and degradation through X -ray. By adjusting the proportion of the material, the degradation time of the bracket can also be changed.

"According to clinical needs, we added the obstacle block. Putting this bracket in the intestinal cavity, it can block the content of the small intestine logistics into the large intestine, protect the anastomosis, put a drainage tube above the bracket, drain the content material drainage, drain the content material drainage To the body. When the anastomosis is healed, the rotating bracket will collapse, and no secondary operation is required. "Cai Xiujun said.

The bracketing method is different from the traditional intestinal anastomosis method. The new technology does not need to suture one by the line at the part of the anastomosis. It obviously simplifies the intestinal anastomosis operation, shorten the time of the anastomosis, and it is easy to learn and master. At the same time, the suture is avoided. The destruction of the submucosal blood vessels caused by anastomosis is conducive to tissue healing at the anastomosis. After the healing of the anastomosis, the bracket degrades and discharged from the digestive tract in a timely manner. There is no foreign body residue in the human body. The bracket is meticulous or repaired in a special environment such as intestinal leakage, intestinal perforation, and abdominal infection, and can be used for a phase of repair or break that can be used for the rupture of the intestinal tract. The method is simple and easy to grasp.

"About three weeks later, the low intestinal kiss was healed, and the rotating stent was degraded in the human body. The intestinal tract was unobstructed. Treatment cycle and surgical steps, the physiological and psychological burden of patients will also be alleviated.

Zhejiang can lead the tower of the tail gas of the ship. Zhejiang Neng to lead the picture

Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Progress Award First Prize

Sea water into a washing solution

Ship desulfurization with helpers

The pollutants discharged by ships driving at sea are one of the sources of air pollution. With the densely introduced and implemented implementation of new standards and new norms in international maritime organizations, the shipping industry has also set off a major change in energy conservation and emission reduction.

These days, in the Zhoushan Huafeng Ship Factory, the engineering and technical team of Zheneng Group is topped with a scorching sun, and has stepped up a new environmental protection technology to the world's largest container liner company, the Mediterranean Shipping Corporation MSCPETRA number container freighter. This is also one of the 23 ships under construction in Zheneng Group under construction in the past month, setting a new record for domestic single -month ship desulfurization and installation.

All this benefits from the "key technologies and applications and applications" jointly developed by Zheneng Group and Zhejiang University.

Wang Rung, chairman of Zheng to lead the chairman of the Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the ship desulfurization device independently developed by an enterprise can reduce the sulfur dioxide in the tail gas discharged by ocean ships to a very low level, fully meet the emission standards prescribed by international maritime organizations. "A 300,000 -ton oil tanker, the original discharged exhaust gas contains 3.5%, is equivalent to the emissions of 400,000 cars. After installing the desulfurization device, the emissions can be reduced to 0.1%."

Ocean ships are sailing in the ocean, and seawater is the most common resource. "Sea water itself is alkaline and can be used to absorb sulfur dioxide in the tail gas of the ship. On this technical path, we use the seawater as a washing solution to fully absorb the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas. After that, the waste liquid was discharged into the sea through the diffusion device. "Wang Runer said that when the absorption efficiency of the seawater is insufficient, or when the regional navigation is limited by the regulations of various countries, it can be Put out. Therefore, a hybrid ship desulfurization device with open and closed types at the same time is the most global competitive product of Zhejiang capability. At present, the market share and investment rate of this product have ranked first in the world.

It is reported that after 18 years of production and research cooperation, this technology has been authorized by 46 patents and 9 software copyrights. The seven world -class communities in the world have provided key technological support for my country to become the world's ship manufacturing power and green shipping power. Professor Gao Xiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of Bai Ma Lake Laboratory, and Zhejiang University Gao Xiang said: "The project has overcome key technologies such as the efficient denitration and desulfurization of the ship's tail gas, solved the problem of cleaning and emission of the tail gas, and achieved large -scale promotion and application in the world. In the next step, we must focus on promoting the problem of solving low -carbon emissions. "

The research and development of ocean -to -ocean carbon reduction technology is underway. "It is expected that there will be staged results next year to provide the Zhejiang plan for my country's 'carbon -peak carbon neutralization' and global shipping carbon reduction targets." Wang Ru Neng said.

The staff works on Xiaoshan Integrated Digital Resource Platform. Chengyun Technology Photo Conferry

Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Progress Award First Prize

Urban governance wisdom upgrade

Unified command of the city's berths

Have you ever had such an experience: parking the car on the roadside berth, you can leave directly, and the parking fee will be automatically deducted in the binding payment account.

This is a convenient application scenario of the Hangzhou urban brain parking system, and it is also one of the implementation of the results of the achievement of "urban governance big data intelligent key technology and application" achievement jointly completed by Zhejiang University and Chengyun Technology.

With the help of urban brain, Hangzhou has created the nation's first urban parking system, providing a new way to alleviate the difficulty of urban parking -record the census berth, access to the berth, currently occupying berths on the large screen of the Hangzhou Urban Management Bureau Command Center, etc. Real-time data. At present, the system has achieved coverage of the city of Hangzhou and has access to more than 1.4 million berths.

There are red, yellow, and green colors on the large screen, showing the difficulty of parking there. Red represents saturation, yellow, and crowded, and green represents idleness.

"Refined management after quantitativeization is one aspect. Subsequent construction of parking lots, parking price guidance, etc., after these basic data analysis, can provide accurate data references for the construction of the construction department, the development and reform department, etc.". " Mao Yunqing, vice president of Chengyun Technology and Dean of the Technology Research Institute.

The rapid urbanization has brought many challenges to modern urban governance. Among them, data dispersal, complex scenes, and inefficient decision -making are the three most common challenges. Focusing on these challenges, the team through the innovative non -structural data management technology, intelligent visual perception technology, urban governance command scheduling and decision -making analysis technology through innovative urban governance, which provides efficiency for the improvement of urban digital governance capabilities. "Smart engine".

Non -structured data of urban governance is like a messy book in the library. The team creatively establishes a model that can quickly arrange these books in the door. In Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, 35.2 billion pieces of data were collected and managed by this technology within two years, and the time units required for data governance, analyzing modeling and other time were shortened from weekly to hours.

"If the world is a quadrant, with various types of applications you want to get traffic, catering, accommodation, medical care, as the horizontal coordinates, and artificial intelligence technology as the vertical coordinates, then each of them is very promising." Zhuang Yue, chief scientist in Yuncheng Digital Governance, made such a metaphor.

As of now, the technical achievements of the project have precipitated more than 200 cities to manage big data intelligent algorithms models and more than 50 digital intelligent application products, and are widely used in Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia, Hunan, Yunnan and other parts of 800 800 across the country. Multiple cities governance projects have helped realize the transformation of intelligent, efficient, and modernization of urban governance.

Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Progress Award First Prize

Female silkworms can be asexual clone

No man -made mating

Silkworm varieties are the foundation of the silk industry. The traditional cultivation method is to use the original and anti -hybrid methods of the original Chinese and Japanese species to cultivate new varieties. However, with the emergence of large -scale and intensive modern silk industries, this hybrid training method that has been prevailing for nearly a century has increasingly showing the disadvantages of backward inefficiency: before hybridization, you need to manually identify the male and female silkworms of two silkworms. Its female moths and male moths are intertwined, and the high labor cost is self -evident.

How to break through this bottleneck? In the process of selection of silkworm varieties, the team of researcher Wang Yongqiang, director of the Institute of Salmon and Tea Research Institute of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, continued to explore and excavate how to efficiently identify the male and female or female female. With the support of the major special special projects and the national technical system of the new agricultural varieties in Zhejiang Province, it lasted for more than 20 years. Cheng Die ".

The female moths of the silkworm can occasionally produce an unpopular eggs into new individuals. This phenomenon is called the reproduction or nonsense of lonely females, and a variety that follows this way in this way is called a female silkworm unparalleled cloning system. Wang Yongqiang led the team more than 20 years ago to set foot on the practical series of female silkworm non -sex cloning technology.

Many domestic and foreign experts have done a lot of research on the induction of female silkworm non -sex cloning, but their offspring incubation rates are difficult to exceed 10%, which also means that there is no use value for actual production. To this end, Wang Yongqiang and his team have established a set of female silkworm unparalleled cloning heat -induced technical systems suitable for my country's silkworm varieties through continuous experiments. Through more than 20 years of accumulated selection, the incubation rate of female silkworm unparalleled cloning system has been increased to 90 to 90 %. In 2013, the first domestic and foreign species production of silkworm species -free and male -free, and the excellent single -handed silkworm varieties "Zhejiang Phoenix 1" passed approval. This new variety with the characteristics of high breeding factor and high cocoon silk quality has allowed Wang Yongqiang and his team to successfully achieve the goal of creating a new model of silkworm production production.

Through nonsense cloned, female silkworm no longer needs to be identified. There is a silkworm product called the limited egg color system. The female eggs are black and the male eggs are white. According to the limited egg color, the male eggs can be separated from the female silkworm in the egg. Family silkworm limited spots technology is currently applied to actual production. Even if it is not a skilled worker, the operator can separate the silkworm male and female according to the whether the silkworm bodies are quickly and accurately separated to achieve simplifying the production of silkworm species.

In order to better apply to production practice and to greatly reduce labor costs, the team also developed the female moth group egg retractor applied to female silkworm unparalleled cloning, which cleverly made up for the shortcomings of artificial egg retrieval efficiency and damaged damage; research and development have been developed; CCD male and female color selection machines, using color CCD cameras and other technologies, increased the sorting speed by 200 times. In this way, the breeding of silkworm species has fully realized mechanization and intelligence, and the "female and female identification" has finally become possible in actual production.

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