Shouzheng Innovation and Qiang Qiang's ability to tell the story of Zaozhuang Good Story Zaozhuang Daily to watch the development interview activity started

Author:Zaozhuang Daily Time:2022.07.15

(Zaozhuang Daily All -Media Reporter Liang Hongyan Photography Finds Wenwu Zhang Xiaoping Kong Meng Sun Mingchun Zhen Zongkui)

On the morning of July 14th, Zaozhuang Daily's ideological ability construction "double -off and double -lifting", president and editor -in -chief took the front line to see the development of large -scale interviews in Tengzhou City.

In order to promote the implementation of the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province, in -depth implementation of the requirements of the central, provincial and municipal committees to carry out major theme publicity of the "New Express of the New Express", and actively promote the "five -to -five views" of Zaozhuang Daily " The development of the two -handed and double -lifting activity continues to promote the increase in "changes and changes" and "strong four forces", guide the city's upper and lower things to fight for first -class, but the flag is winning. The Daily News Agency carried out the "double -handed and double -mentioned", the president and editor -in -chief of the Daily and the president, and the editor -in -chief to see the development of large -scale interview activities.

This large -scale interview activity is divided into three interview teams. It consists of the leaders of the community, the head of the editorial department and the reporter. In the front line, through the secretary of the district (city) committee (city) committee, investigating enterprise development and project construction, entering the citizen center, the new era civilization practice center, and the farmer's market to see people's livelihood services, and understand the achievements of civilized cities. At the same time, a talk meeting was held to issue a questionnaire to ask for an opinion on the opening of the door.

The reporter who participated in the interview activities said that this activity should be used as a vivid classroom of enhanced foot force, eyesight, brain power, and brushwork, penetrated into the grassroots level, penetrated the front line, deep on the scene, and strived to discover the fresh, vivid, and infectious news materials, and strive to use it to make use of it. The perspective of the whole media, through multi -level, multi -angle, multi -sides interview reports, launched more thoughtful, temperature, and quality news works, and comprehensively displayed the results of the "strong industrial city and industrial marketing city" three -year tackling breakthrough operation. , Again the strong forces for the new journey, and dedicate wisdom and strength to improve the communication, guidance, influence, credibility, and credibility of the party newspaper.

The person who participated in the launching ceremony came to the Party Construction Life Museum of Longquan Street, Tengzhou to receive party education. After the interview activities were launched, the reporters of the interviewing team rose to rain, focusing on the construction of the "four major support", "double ten towns" construction, optimizing the business environment, and creating satisfaction Tengzhou.

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