Extremely high -temperature days, more cool "hot" search is needed

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.15

Zhejiang News Client commentator Zhang Ping

According to the analysis of climate service experts in the China Meteorological Administration, my country's high temperature incidents have lasted 30 days, affecting more than 900 million people. Zhejiang is no exception. Since July 6, it has been surrounded by hot waves. On July 14, Zhejiang issued 51 high -temperature red warnings. The ground temperature measured by traffic police on the outdoor is above 50 ° C. A widely circulating video showed that after a man in Jinhua was hit with six ribs, he first lay down under the shade of the tree. It shows that the high temperature damage is not fun.

900 million people across the country were affected. The meteorological map of the province was "high -temperature red". Everyone was shouting. High -temperature weather looked like "no different attacks", but it was not. According to the different industry and working environment, the impact of high temperatures is also "uneven." The traffic police who commanded traffic under the scorching sun, at this time, the author who blows air conditioning in the office at this time must have different experiences of the high temperature experience. The tea farmers who set up a shade net and watering the tea trees overnight, and the tourists who are in the heat of the heat in the heat wave must be different in the face of the high temperature mood. There are also people with older or poor physical conditions, and they will also become victims of fever.

Feeling differently and different mood, it does not prevent everyone from using the same emphasis to cure the damage caused by healing high temperatures.

In front of the free cold drink cabinet on the streets of Hangzhou, the driver passing by picked up a bottle of ice water, turned to the trunk to get a box of mineral water pour in; various types of "love stations" opened the door, toward the need for those in need. People "unlimited" supply is cool; free tea stalls supported by the media, communities, fire stations, individual tea farmers and other subjects have become a landscape in the city ... These news created a cool version of "hot" search. Everyone wants Use your own strength to do your best for the high temperature of the war, so that the people under the scorching sun warmer and cool.

In a society that is closely linked to each other, "shading" for others is often a beneficiary. A large number of outdoor workers such as takeaway brothers, sanitation workers, power workers, police and firefighters, etc., use labor in extreme high temperature weather to exchange the normal operation of society. It is these people who are the "steaming" heroes at high temperatures. There are other people's work and life in the air -conditioned room.

In addition to the spontaneous guardianship between members of society, joint cure also requires the present and online. For example, instruct the enterprise to implement the guarantee measures of the rights and interests of the workers of the workers in high temperature weather, and effectively protect the health and life of workers in good health and life; all kinds of high -temperature care must be implemented, and the high -temperature allowances must be issued a lot; it is seriously affected by high temperatures. The industries, policy assistance to follow up in a timely manner; the emergency response work of meteorological disasters should be prepared, especially the relevant departments such as agriculture, transportation, water conservancy, and electricity need to pay special attention to prevent preventive measures in advance.

According to expert reminders, the impact of high -temperature heat waves is a slow accumulation process. Unlike the severe rain typhoon, it will cause continuous adverse effects. Our tolerance ability of extreme weather "baking" also has also "baked" to test our determination to guard each other. No matter how big the sun is, it will always pass. Watching and helping, without ignoring anyone in any corner, sweat is evaporated, and what will leave is the spiritual wealth of common healing.

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