Commercial High Research Institute | There is a little "Yuan Wisdom" that allows you to take less detours in your life | See you every day

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.15

Cover news reporter Meng Mei

At the stage where we are about to enter the society or just enter the society, there are various "pit" hidden in the front road. For example, how to get rid of student thinking, what to do if you encounter workplace bullying, and how to deal with work failure ... If you are doubtful, you may wish to open this book- "Yuan Wisdom". There is such a sentence on the cover of the book: Life There is no shortcut, but there is a way to let you take less detours.

In fact, even through the turning period of the first entering society, we will still face many problems. For example, what should I do if the development of development enters the bottleneck, how to deal with the complex projects ... If you want to seek self -development, you may wish to open this book. This time, Dr. Wu Jun, investor of Silicon Valley and Wenjin Book Award, did not speak as a computer scientist or investor, but as a senior who had traveled half of his life, and a two daughter accompanied the challenges. The father who was admitted to the famous school of Ivy to share his life experience and experience with us one by one.

In 1597, the famous British politician and philosopher Bacon shouted the slogan "Knowledge is Power" in his book "Contemporary Record". Today, the pursuit of knowledge has become the creed of many people. People believe. Through reading, studying, and mastering knowledge, you can achieve greater achievements, and at the same time allow yourself to live a better life. At the social level, there is a better learning environment and the atmosphere of cultivating talents than any era. However, many people have studied for many years and learned a stomach, but they still have a bad life. Why?

The answer is actually very simple. In the book, Dr. Wu Jun believes that if you want to live a good life, only knowledge and culture are not enough, and there must be wisdom. A person with knowledge and skill, in a society that is arranged by others, can support himself by knowledge and craftsmanship. But in a free development society, a person wants to realize his own value and affect society, and even leave a sum in history. It is obviously not enough to rely on knowledge and skills to rely on wisdom.

Dr. Wu Jun said: "We often compare knowledge and wisdom compare with wisdom, and the Tao can control surgery. Without wisdom knowledge, it is sometimes a burden for people. Trapped people in it. There is an old saying in China, 'drowning can be drowned, and the fisting' is to say that people fall into the blind and self -confidence of their knowledge and skills, so that they have done stupid things. "Therefore, Wu Jun The doctor believes that only through the Tao to control the surgery can it be used to do useful things. For example, if you learn to drive alone, this is to master the skills, that is, you have mastered the knowledge of the surgical level; and know how to follow the traffic rules and be cautious, you understand the Tao. If there is no way to drive, the higher the technology, the more dangerous.

Unfortunately, many people today only pay attention to the knowledge level, but ignore the wisdom of the Tao level, and the result is very hard. It is not difficult to understand the truth. There are many knowledge in the world, and learning can not be finished. Although today's knowledge is much more knowledge than in the past, it is still limited. No matter how learned, the person who is infinite will be sad in the face of infinite knowledge. Because of this, Zhuangzi will have a sigh of "I have a life, and I know there is no end." These people are still at a loss when they face the unknown world. Wisdom is different, because wisdom is creative, it is not trapped by limited. In the face of the infinite world, it looks vibrant and can create more knowledge. With wisdom, as long as there are conditions, and gaining knowledge will become a relatively easy thing.

There are many wisdom in the world. Anyone who needs to understand and master the most basic wisdom, that is, "Yuan Wisdom". Yuan Wisdom is not profound and easy to master, but it is very important for our lives. Mastering these wisdom not only will not become a burden, but any unknown world will also become the stage for our development. In this book, I will focus on the all kinds of basic wisdom needed to live a good life, realize professional ideals and life value.

Mastering the methods of knowledge and the method of obtaining wisdom are different. Knowledge can be obtained through learning, and wisdom must be obtained by enlightenment. This "enlightenment" refers to self -awareness and understanding. One truth is that only if you really understand it can you use it. Therefore, the process of acquiring knowledge is learning, which is familiar to everyone; the process of gaining wisdom is a kind of practice, which has not experienced many people before.

When it comes to practice, many people think of high monks hermits. However, in fact, the practice of wisdom of life is impossible to complete in the scholars' book or hermit's grasshoppers. It is necessary to perceive in the world, touch all things in the world, and experience the warmth and warmth of the world. Therefore, Dr. Wu Jun hopes that after reading this book, we can raise the knowledge we have learned to wisdom, so that knowledge can show their value.

◎ Author introduction

Wu Jun

Silicon Valley investor, computer scientist, artificial intelligence, voice recognition and Internet search experts. He is currently the founding partner of Fengyuan Capital, a visiting professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a director of the School of Engineering of John Hopkins University.

Obtaining the APP courses, the "Silicon Valley letter", "50 lectures on mathematics", "60 lectures on the History of Science and Technology", "Silicon Valley List".

The best -selling writer, authored "Wu Jun Reading and Writing Lecture", "Wu Jun Mathematics General Lecture", "Top of the Inspur", "The Beauty of Mathematics", "The Light of Civilization", "Silicon Valley", "Observation", "Luan", "Attitude" and other tenFor the best -selling books, the works have won many books including the Wenjin Book Award, the China Good Book Award, and the Chinese Outstanding Publications.

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