Aksai County Development and Reform Bureau multi -point efforts to optimize the business environment

Author:Aksai County Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.15

In order to further promote the reform of the "decentralization service" and optimize the business environment, the Aksai County Development and Reform Bureau took the initiative to act in combination with its own functions and responsibilities, and insisted on multiple measures and multi -point efforts to help the county's high -quality economic and social development.

The first is to highlight the "key points" and ensure the orderly progress of the project construction. Firmly establish the concept of "project as the king", and use the spirit of reform, innovative play, and the strength of tackling. Vigorously implement the "three flights" operations of key projects, set sail, and escort the "three flights" operations, and through "draw a picture", "open a meeting", "one -stop guarantee", "integrated service", "one -stop security", "one -stop service" The "six one" working routes such as "one guidance" and other all -weather and integrated service processes will be made to ensure the rapid and efficient advancement of 58 key projects in the county and complete the annual investment plan in advance. Implement a unified market access negative list, improve the basic system of the market system, promote the general implementation of "non -ban is incoming", create conditions for fair business, and help private investment in stable growth. Make full use of platforms such as "online approval supervision of investment projects", strengthen supervision and post -event supervision, change enterprises to run legs for information, and focus on solving problems such as factor guarantee and funding needs in the project promotion process. So far, 58 key construction projects in the county have 42 re -re -construction, with a re -enrollment rate of 72%.

The second is to focus on "hot spots" and promote the construction of the credit system to improve quality and efficiency. We will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of provincial and cities on credit construction, further strengthen organizational guarantee, rationalize the working mechanism, and promote the construction of the county's credit system at high standards. Strengthen the connection with the data of relevant departments, and continuously improve the comprehensiveness, real -time, and accuracy of the collection and sharing of credit information. Continue to do a good job of public information such as administrative licenses and administrative punishment, further increase government information disclosure and data openness, and improve the transparency of administrative management and government credibility. Strengthen the construction of government integrity, promote the special governance of the government's dishonesty, urge strict performance to reduce the stock, and standardize the increase in governance behavior. At the same time, in the fields of migrant workers' wages and dishonesty, they continue to carry out joint disciplinary activities, focus on maintaining fair competition market order, and build a social environment of integrity and law. So far, a total of 4638 information on "Double Public Announcement" has been reported, of which 1283 administrative license data and 3355 administrative penalties data.

The third is to clear the "blocking point" and strengthen the operation of the project approval process. Focusing on "running immediately, online office, nearby, one -time office", comprehensively promote the "Internet+government service" to optimize the administrative approval process reconstruction, standardize project approval operation, and explore the implementation of non -meeting approval. Give full play to the role of the project online approval and supervision platform, for projects with relevant national laws and regulations, national industrial policies, industry access standards, and complete project filing information, complete the review within 2 working days; enterprises with incomplete project filing information, timely timely enterprises, timely timely, timely enterprises, timely time Fair the notice of correction and guide the completion of the declaration; implement a "tolerance mechanism" for key industrial projects. Comprehensively implement the "Interim Measures for the Management Management Management of Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects", further simplify procedures and improve efficiency, and achieve the goal of "one -login, full Netcom office, full process supervision" of investment projects. As of now, the approval of government investment projects 53 items involved 1.7 billion yuan; 23 enterprise filing projects, involving an investment of 1.9 billion yuan.

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