The old town is renovated, and the north district is "real". Qingdao Time:2022.07.15

As the main position and the main battlefield of urban renewal construction, the main leaders of Qingdao have frequently went to the city's North District to investigate urban renewal and urban construction related work since this year. The importance of urban renewal construction in the city.

On July 13th, the city's North District combined with the "Main Style Raise Year" activity to hold urban renewal and urban construction headquarters semi -annual summary and situation notice. The meeting summarized the relevant work development in the first half of the year, and clarified the next plan.

Facing the current situation of urban renewal and urban construction work in the jurisdiction, the northern district, which is well -known and hard -working in the second half of the year, has sounded the "charge". The new bureau is the right meaning.

High specifications held summary conference

Shibei Houzhi City Update

On July 13, the city's north district held a semi -annual summary and situation notice of urban renewal and urban construction headquarters. The four sets of "first leaders" of the four -set team of the district party committee, government, people's congress and the CPPCC, highlight the importance of the meeting.

At the meeting, the district urban renewal and urban construction headquarters office and various classes spoke in turn around the first half of the year and the next work plan, in the form of concentrated "bright performance" and "exposure", inspiring the horizontal comparison of responsible units to find gaps to find gaps in the horizontal comparison of units to find gaps. , Betting to catch up with breakthroughs, laid a solid foundation for the third quarter and decisive victory for the sprint.

After the report, the leaders of the meeting and the "two representatives and one member" also conducted quantitative scores, and announced the evaluation scores and rankings on the spot.

Project construction is the key to urban renewal. In 2022, a total of 144 projects were included in the city platform assessment, and 21 have been completed. 96 are under construction. Related work is continuing to advance.

Behind the project construction is the efficient execution of the inverted work period and the chart operation of the North District of the North District.

At the same time, to give full play to the strong advantages of party building, the city North District issued the "Implementation Opinions on Focusing on the Construction of Modern International City to lead the city's leading cities and the high -quality development of urban construction", and put forward the "11335" working system to clear Update, how to update "to solve the problem of" fragmentation "of urban renewal; introduce the" Methods of Urban Renewal and Urban Construction Three -Year Council for Urban Construction "and" Flag Flag Competition "assessment methods, strict assessment and evaluation projects, pain points blocking points, blocked pain points The work of attacking and "micro -update" of the streets, stimulating all units to break the subjective initiative.

And simultaneously advanced with the project construction, there is also a continuous increase in investment promotion. In the first half of the year, 79 new projects were introduced in the region, with a planned total investment exceeding 20 billion yuan, 16 projects above 100 million yuan, and 6 projects of more than 1 billion yuan.

Among them, the two industrial projects of the "Eye of the World" project and the North International Oil and Gas Center have completed the transfer; the Qingdao headquarters and foreign trade companies of the China Construction Second Bureau have completed the registration and landing; the port container tribal project is accelerating the investment promotion and will be tried in August. In addition, there are more than 50 merchants and industrial office enterprises such as Da Bao Island (Sifang Road) in the historical urban area that have settled in Tsingtao 1903 and Shiyu Hotel.

The new format that is constantly introduced is injecting new kinetic energy for the realization of high -quality development for the implementation of high -quality development.

One of the important reasons for the reason why the China -North District's investment promotion work can accelerate is the innovation of its institutional mechanism.

Taking the renovation update of international cruise ports and the protection and renewal of the historical urban area as an example, the historical urban area management committee led the investment promotion work in the early stage. Relevant departments of the district were responsible for promoting the project introduction and work to do a good job of the investment promotion work. The management committee, together with the project introduction unit and platform company, carry out the preliminary research and judgment of the project, and the negotiation of business clauses, and report it to the pre -review meeting of the historic urban areas in accordance with the procedures. The Management Committee held an analysis meeting for business management in the historical urban area every quarter, listened to the investment operation management of investment operation companies, and adjusted the district merchants in accordance with the exit mechanism.

The Historical Urban Management Committee has also increased the introduction of festival activities, gathered popularity through activities to achieve the effect of promoting investment promotion.

Both inside and outside can make long -sleeved dance. Under the wave of urban renewal construction in Qingdao, the heavy responsibility of the North District is on the shoulders. Only by always adhere to the practice of practical performance, can we find a breakthrough in the high -quality development of the old urban area.

Walking in front, opening a new game. Gao Jian, the secretary of the district party committee, also mentioned at the scene that the North District of the North District has resolutely carried the main battlefield responsibility and promoted the staged results of the urban renewal work in the first half of the year.

From the top grid of the main leaders of the city to the leadership of the district leader, to the completion of the project construction and investment promotion work, the Shibei District has done a real work with the true construction of a modern international city that builds and prosper and happy.

Walking in front, opening a new bureau

This is the copener of urban renewal construction

Image source: Weishi North

In February this year, Qingdao held a three -year -old mobilization meeting for urban renewal and urban construction in the form of "the first meeting of the year", and listed eight major actions. The main city of the soil and gold is the core of the three -year tackling operation.

As the core area of ​​the main city, the current situation of urban renewal and urban construction work in the area of ​​the city is a large responsibility.

Since the beginning of this year, the main leaders of Qingdao City have come to the city's North District to investigate the construction of cities, which reflects Qingdao's expectations of showing new style and vitality in the old city.

The people's city is built, and the people's city is the people. The renewal and transformation of the old urban area needs to be combined with the improvement of the people's lives, industrial revitalization, infrastructure construction, and historical and cultural protection to effectively enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness. And this is a modern international city with a comprehensive construction and prosperity and happiness proposed by the northern district, which is inherently inherent.

The third party congress of Shibei District mentioned that the main battlefield and main position of urban renewal and industry renewal, which ushered in an excellent time to enhance the development energy level.

Knowing that he plays an important role in the overall situation of the city's urban renewal construction. Starting from the top -level design, the city's north district has focused on the layout of urban renewal construction.

First of all, the urban renewal construction headquarters was established, the "one -handling and nine special class" command system was established, the three -year tackling action plan was formulated, and the "Top Ten Tackling Actions" was fully launched.

By establishing urban renewal project libraries, detailed tasks, timetables, and roadmaps, 259 projects have been accelerated, and renewal resource land uses strong support for urban renewal and industrial upgrading.

In the main urban area of ​​the inch, it is willing to make valuable land resources for the construction of the city renewal project, which reflects the sincere and honest development of the city.

Secondly, the North District of the North District takes the key project construction of the escort city as the top priority, and the district -level leaders lead the topic to highlight the implementation of the implementation of 6 key projects in 6 cities.

The Nanjing Road broadening project has only been used for 18 days to achieve all 156 residents signed; the Chentai plot project successfully resolved the problem of the history of Zhenhua Agricultural Industry and Industry Company and Chentai Hotel. ; Tongsong 5th Road to open the project for 20 days to complete 77 merchants relocated and 20,000 square meters of attachments to be removed to ensure the promotion of Jinsong 5th Road to open the project on schedule ...

Urban renewal is a "tough battle", especially as a key city project, which also represents the difficulty of the project.

However, Fang Xianyong. The rapid advancement of the city's key projects has become the epitome of the work style of "strict and realistic" work style.

In the end, in terms of finishing zero, the city's North District also achieved outstanding results. Through the concentration of the advantages of the region, the city north has launched the "house collection zero -hundred -day tackling operation". 13 streets and 536 households have completed 506 households. zero.

The next city of the city that is updated to build a "hard bone" city not only allows the urban area to improve the appearance quality, but also can significantly boost the spirit of the spirit through such practical achievements, and enhance the residents' residents to the city's renewal construction. Get sense and satisfaction.

With the successful convening of the semi -annual summary conference, the Shibei District, which was written with "real", sounded the "charge" that built a modern international urban area.

Build a modern international city

City North Blowing Tackling the "Assault"

Image source: Weishi North

On July 12, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" New Urbanization Implementation Plan. Among them, the construction of new cities is clearly promoted in an orderly manner.

The national level of "point -in" cities is renewed again, reflecting the important value of urban renewal in the new development stage.

Qingdao, which is accelerating the construction of a modern international metropolis, has also increased the city's update to the top -level strategy, especially the old city that has witnessed the glorious history of the city, and is also a key area for Qingdao.

Facing the earnest expectations from the country to the province to the city, the city's northern district, which shoulder the heavy responsibility, urgently needs to "renovate" a new way to reference for the old city.

In fact, a high -standard meeting held on the 13th on the 13th is a summary of the work in the first half of the year, and more importantly is the re -deployment and mobilization of the next work.

Image source: Weishi North

As mentioned at the meeting, the next step in the North District of the city will resolutely hold the responsibility of the main position and the main battlefield, highlight the problem -oriented, target -oriented, and result orientation, pay close attention to the implementation of work, speed up the shortcomings, and form more physical workloads to form more physical workload , To make a contribution to the overall situation of Qingdao City's renewal construction.

At the same time, Gao Jian also used five "further" to clearly clarify the next key points of the city:

Further condense the consensus of tackling, so that urban renewal and construction can truly become the people's livelihood projects and people's heart projects that improve the lives of the masses, promote industrial transformation, and improve infrastructure;

Further compact the responsibility of tackling, establish the idea of ​​"a plate of chess" to ensure that the tasks are advancing efficiently;

Further highlight the focus of tackling, take July as the "problem -tackling month", and focus on the research and solve the promotion of work promotion;

Further keep the bottom line of tackling, strengthen the bottom line thinking and risk awareness, and create a safe and stable social environment;

Further carry forward the style of tackling, promote the continuous achievement of the construction of the city's northern cities, and make new results, and make greater contributions to the construction of a new era of socialist modernization in Qingdao.

In the key node of the promotion of urban renewal construction, the North District of the North District sounded the "charge" in the form of self -pressure, which truly showed the responsibility as the main position and the main battlefield.

The gain of each result stems from the current again. And every time I set off, it is a long -time accumulation.

Next, the city North District will targeting the improvement of the command and organization system, strengthening supervision and assessment, strengthening the guarantee of the elements of tackling, and the promotion of key projects, and continuously promote the new situation of urban renewal construction and achieve new results.Facing the future, the North District will continue to use the hard work of urban renewal and construction to give new connotations for the comprehensive construction of a modern international city that is prosperous and happy, and then in Qingdao to accelerate the construction of a modern international metropolis, make the main city.The larger contribution of the core area.

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