Small mediation leverage the governance -Stable of strengthening contradictions and disputes in Shanting Town, North Bank

Author:Putian released Time:2022.07.15

The Party Committee and Government of Shanting Town convened a meeting of the party organization secretary related villages (residential) party organizations involved in the case.

The north coast Economic Development Zone Shanting Town implemented the "party building leadership, rammed the foundation and benefit the people" project, strengthened the effectiveness of the source of contradictions and disputes, continuously improved the grass -roots governance model, and solved a group of aged cases, difficult cases, and "bone cases" one by one. Small mediation leverages the big governance, and combines the "harmonious song" of grass -roots governance to enhance the sense of happiness and gain of the masses.

Party committees attach importance to strong protection

"Without your help, we can't get so much compensation." Recently, the husband of Chen Chen Town Chen came to the Judicial Office of Shanting Town and sent a flag to express his gratitude.

In mid -May, Xu accidentally hit pedestrian Chen and others during the driving home, causing Chen and others to be injured. The next day, Chen died after rescue. On the afternoon of the same day, Xu voted to the public security organs. Because both parties involved in the case were in Shanting Town, the traffic police brigade of the North Bank Public Security Branch immediately reported to the report that Zhang Yanlin, the director of the Government of Shanting Town, led the team to intervene in the case mediation. Due to the difficulty of the perpetrator Xu, the car did not pay insurance and could not bear huge compensation. The family members of the deceased were more emotional, and the case mediation fell into a deadlock.

In response, the party committee and government of Shanting Town attached great importance to the meeting of the relevant villages (residential) party branches involved in the case involved in three times, and invited special studies such as the traffic police brigade of the North Shore Public Security Branch, Yamanting and Hairi Police Station, and mediation officers. , Check responsibility and verify compensation standards.

"We are precise 'pulsions', right and" medicine', and the dispute stops the dispute before it occurs. Crowded compensation together.

The "medicine prescription" was issued. The town and village cadres, traffic police, and police immediately acted to find the relatives of the perpetrators to do households and do ideological work day and night. After more than 20 unremitting efforts, more than 90 The compensation for 10,000 yuan allows this traffic accident compensation to be successfully resolved.

"If the party committee and government attach great importance to it, it is estimated that the case is difficult to mediate." Zhang Yanlin said.

People's mediation work is the unity of law, rationality, and affection. The party committee and government attach great importance to the strong backing and strong guarantee of the people's mediation work. In recent years, Yamanting Town has continuously strengthened the organization and leadership of the people's mediation work. Every week, members of the party committee expanded the meeting to report the resolution of conflicts and disputes, and asked the villagers to make a statement. At the same time, actively adopt methods such as "fixation with cases" or "replenishment with the case" to improve the level of guarantee funding for the people's mediation.

No blind spot

There are people's mediation committees in various villages (residences) of Shanting Town, and the four people's mediation studios are established by Tian Jinliang, Zhang Yanlin, Lin Jincun, and Guo Jinshun named named after their personal personal conflicts.

With the organization, it is important to select the mediation team. The town strictly controls the team's "entrance barrier", does a good job of selection, and strictly follows the requirements of the people's political business quality, cultural legal quality, professional ethics and mediation skills in the new era. The retired veteran cadres who have worked in judicial jobs are the people's mediators who have worked in judicial jobs to participate in mediation.

"Many mediation skills are not learned in books, and most of them are relying on practice and continuously summarized accumulation." Tian Jinliang was a first -level judge of the grassroots people's court. After retirement, he was hired as a full -time mediation person in 2014 by the Shanting Judicial Institute. Teach lectures for the mediation officers of each village (residential), and compile various types of civil cases for mediation of various types of civil cases for the organization of the grassroots mediation. In the front line of mediation in the past 10 years, he dedicated it silently, using his original mediation "prescription", and spared no effort to resolve contradictions and disputes.

Improving the business ability of the people's mediators is the key to doing a good job of mediation. Every month, the town trains the mediation officers of each village (residential), regularly holds the people's mediation conference, analyzes and mediate boutique cases, and continuously improves the theoretical level and actual combat capabilities of the mediation staff. The good mediation mediation team improves the credibility of mediation.

In addition, the district allocates 5,000 yuan each year, and the village -level regulation committee is 1,000 yuan as a work funding for work.

Actively touch the hidden dangers

Not long ago, under the witness of the cadres of the town and village cadres, Liu Mou and Liu Mouzheng signed a mediation agreement. The two conflicts accumulated for more than 20 years were finally resolved.

Due to a dispute between the two homesteads in front of the door, the two houses did not give up for decades, and the town and village cadres had no results. This year, the town party committee and government attach great importance to it, comprehensively arranging the "difficulty of miscellaneous diseases", and concentrating their strengths to ensure that society is stable and stable.

"Town and village cadres, village elderly health associations, mountain pavilion and sea defense police station, town judicial office and other parties cooperated in cooperation. "Zhang Yanlin said that the town actively explored a diversified mediation and invited civil forces and relevant departments to participate. One case and one strategy to create a new pattern of major mediation and fully resolve contradictions and disputes.

Touching the dispute before the mediation was in front of the intensification. Shanting Town has continuously improved the investigation mechanism of contradictions and disputes, and implemented list -style and closed -loop management. Villages and villages have timely investigations on contradictions and disputes. They can be adjusted and adjusted in a timely manner; if they cannot be resolved, they will report to the town adjustment committee as required to register and build them one by one.

"The grass -roots issues are intricate, and the masses are ever -changing. The traceability governance must grasp early, grasp, and practice." Zheng Xiangfeng, secretary of the party committee of Shanting Town, introduced that the town carefully fulfilled the conflict and disputes to investigate and resolve the main responsibilities.Take time, personality, point -to -point, and blame, to effectively investigate conflicts and disputes in front, dredging in front, and stable control.Work well.It is understood that in the special operations, large resolution, and large -scale rectification centered campaigns in the city carried out in the city last year, the town investigated 45 contradictions and disputes, resolved 42, and the resolution rate was 93.3%.There are 5 contradictions and disputes, 4 resolved, and the resolution rate is 80%.

(Source: Meizhou Daily Reporter: Fu Meixiang Correspondent: Lin Huiwen/Picture Editor: Xu Yixuan)

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