Zhenjiang, Jiangsu: New Vitality of the Butterfly Fisheries Village

Author:Su Zongli Time:2022.07.15

A few days ago, Yao Dazhen District, a Yao Dawei area in Dandu Group, Xinjinjiang Community, Heping Road Street, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, ushered in a happy thing. 121 households in the jurisdiction will successively bid farewell to the era of canned gas and use expectations. Long -term natural gas. "I look forward to more than ten years, and the village finally has natural gas. In the future, we can use natural gas like people in the city. Our quality of life has reached a new level." Duan Shunzheng, a 74 -year -old villager this year, said with a smile.

It is reported that Yao Dawei, a Danzu group, is a veritable fishery village. Since the fishermen retired ashore, the Xinjinjiang Community Party Committee has repeatedly walked to the village to enter the household, insisting on the problem -oriented, demand -oriented, and doing what the people are most looking forward to. At the beginning, use practical actions to solve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" of residents, and do a good job of "intimate people" of residents.

The people whispered, I responded. Since Yao Dawei has no supervisor and back to the river embankment, in order to allow community residents to reduce the safety hazards brought by canned gas in life and improve the living standards of residents, the Xinjinjiang Community Party Committee learns to collect and install during the visit. The public opinion and public opinion of natural gas pipelines. After repeated communication with Zhenjiang China Resources Gas Co., Ltd. and on -site investigation, it was found that because the Yao Dazhen area was closer to the Yangtze River, the groundwater level was higher when the trench was excavated. Keeping the square and continuously pumping, the groove can be formed; and the underground pipelines are more and irregular, and the residents cannot provide relevant pipeline diagrams. "In 2022, it is necessary to let Yao Dawei go to natural gas." At a seminar, Chang Chunping, a representative of the Runzhou District People's Congress and secretary of the party committee of Xinjinjiang Community, issued a "death order". After several discussions and modification and improvement of the construction plan, more than a year, Yao Da's pipeline and gas meter were finally installed in place.

"The process is very twisted, but fortunately the results are very complete." In Chang Chunping's view, Yao Da's special geographical environment can pass natural gas in a short time, on the one hand, the party members are working together; on the other hand The result of wisdom crystal cohesion.

It is not only the temperature that continues to rise, but also the party members and cadres of Xinjinjiang community are constantly rising. In order to play a good ecological chess, the party committee of the Xinjinjiang Community has thoroughly rectified and renovated the long -term "dirty" and "unmanned" areas of Yao Dawei. In the face of the trees of the fishermen parks with an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters withered, the current situation of weeds and weeds after the rainy season is renovated: greening groups, repairs to make new signs, casual seats, laying floor paint, and floor paint paint. Planting water lilies, etc., constantly "refresh the" face value "at the door of the house. "The environment is beautiful, the street lights are on, the green plants are full of ... We have all of us in the city, and we also have it in the city!" You feel the "transformation" of Yao Dawei, and the 81 -year -old Sun Degui is full of happiness. Speaking on the ground.

How to achieve both internal and external practice, "community party school" contributed. The Xinjinjiang Community passed the three -in -one "Community Party School" learning position construction of the "Red Party History Museum+Fishing Cultural Science Popularization Hall+New Age Civilization Practice Station" to create a warm home for party building leadership, interconnected and mutual integration, joint care, and full -age service. Essence On behalf of Yu Chunxiang, the Danfu group used his own fishing village as a position for community residents and party members to study and education. A series of activities such as music.

In order to comprehensively integrate community resources, "Community Party School" relies on the "red candle volunteer" party member volunteers and "old fishermen" Yangtze River Protection volunteer service team to carry out "Jinshan Lake Civilization Fishing", "New Golden River Community Love Clinic", "I am I love my family hygiene and cleaning "," Xinjinjiang Fishing Cultural Inheritance "and other types of volunteer services, and adhere to the concept of" serving the people, helping the people, helping the people, warming the people, the people and the people, and harmoniously cultivating the people. " At present, the number of residents has reached 2,000.

The "two committees" team of Xinjinjiang Community always insists on "walking the village to check the people's feelings, think about worrying about the people, and care for the heart to comfort the people's hearts", and effectively eliminate the emotional faults, working faults, and style faults in the grassroots work. From the Civil sentiment channel, the fishermen of the new Jinjiang community "have old -nourishment", "old -fashioned", "old and happy". From the "shaking" on the boat, it becomes "peaceful" on the land. This veritable "fishery village" has now been "butterfly changed" rebirth, and it has made a new vitality. (Source: Liu Qing, Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City)

Editor in charge: Shen Qin

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