Create a safe, healthy, convenient, and happy community in Hangzhou Hao Mu Street

Author:Zhejiang City Radio and Televi Time:2022.07.15

"Happy Pension Zhejiang Longevity" series two

Pension is an important livelihood work. How to vigorously develop the cause of aging, so that all elderly people can have a happy and happy old age? Humanxin Village, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, gives his own answer: through the environment, support the elderly, volunteer to help the elderly, and wisdom to help the elderly, comprehensively improve the quality of pension services, so that each elderly has a high -quality happy life. Nowadays, the "one old and one young" sunshine care in Haoxin Village has become a national demonstration, and it has also created a model for future community pension services. Wu Jie, deputy director of the Harmony Community Neighborhood Committee, told reporters that the "future health" part of the future community starts from the three aspects of residents' healthy life, high -quality medical care and happiness. And connect the needs of offline residents with online digital medical services to meet the needs of health and diversification.

The environment is suitable for the old and the new village in Haoxin Village

The Holy New Village was built in the early 1980s and has a residential population of more than 9,700 people. Among them, one -third of the elderly over 60 years old. As the pilot of the transformation of the "Future Community" of the old community, since the launch of the old reform in Haoxin Village in 2018, the environmental functions of the community have been improved and improved. "One Old and One Little" sunshine care has become a national demonstration. Today, what is the aging construction of the "Future Community" in Haoxin Village? One day in July, the reporter came to the "Yile Hao" pension service comprehensive district located in Hangzhou Hongxin Village.

Like many old communities, Hangzhou Haoxin Village also has the same "flaw" -to building density and small public space, and residents do not have a fixed place for activity. However, Haoxin Village uses car sheds, aisles, etc., to build or rebuild multiple venues of elderly activities to build a "place for joy" according to local conditions.

Compared with the hot outdoor, the "Sunshine Living Room" of 500 square meters in the comprehensive neighborhood of the "Yile Hao" pension service is spacious and cool. There are chess friends tables, reading corners, "Sunshine Xiaoyuer" stations, multimedia classrooms, etc. Many elderly people are here to cool, chat, read books, chess ... Grandma Wang Yalin, 81, is one of them.

Wang Yalin from Hebei came to Hangzhou in 1972. In 1982, Grandma Wang and her husband became the first residents of Hangzhou Haoxin Village. This residence was 40 years. Grandma Wang recalled that in the early 1980s, there were only 4 houses in Hongxin Village. Two are the dormitories of printing and dyeing manufacturers, and the other two are collective dormitories with chemical systems. Grandma Wang's husband is an engineer engaged in chemical system. At that time, there were no other supporting facilities except 4 houses, and life was extremely inconvenient, not to mention the excellent surrounding environment. More than 30 years have passed, and the appearance of the community is getting older. Overseas aging, shortage of service facilities, dirty environment, road potholes ...

In 2018, Huminxin Village carried out the improvement of old communities and ushered in "organic updates." The transformed harmonious new village has become a typical sample for the transformation and upgrading of old communities. Today, the harmonious new village is comprehensively promoting the transformation of "aging aging": the widening of the road, the reconstruction of the car shed, the renovation of the facade, and installing an elevator for the old house. Grandma Wang said that these transformations care about the needs of the elderly from the subtle place, and they really helped themselves.

Since the beginning of this year, the community has also focused on the "Huayang District" of the main road of Human Muyin Village and East Road. Enhance the green area of ​​more than 20,000 cubic meters, the new flower landscape area is 500 square meters, more than 10 gazebo, more than 100 chair stools, and more than 10 new ecological leisure corners. Grandma Wang told reporters: "In the past, the most afraid of summer and winter, the old people had no relatively fixed place to stay. You can only go to public places to avoid cold." Now no matter indoor or outdoor, the elderly people in the harmonious village have more rest. space.

Volunteer help the elderly to promote the new fashion of the elderly

In the calligraphy classroom of "Sunshine Living Room", the reporter encountered a volunteer Zang Fuhe and the teacher and his students in the calligraphy class. Although it looks spiritual, Teacher Zang is a 76 -year -old man. He came here twice a week to voluntarily take calligraphy and art classes, and the students are old people in the community. "After retiring, it will be empty after retirement. At this time, there is a hobby very important!" Teacher Zang told reporters. "Students have a good sense of accomplishment; I can help others, and they are also very fulfilled and meaningful." Later, Mr. Zang's proud student -84 -year -old Chen Yanding showed him a smile to reporters that he smiled at him. Today's work.

According to street staff, Mr. Zang's volunteer service will be deposited into his "time bank" in the form of points. The harmonious community is constantly improving the volunteer service mechanism, trying to explore the volunteer service quantitative system in the form of integration systems, and drive more volunteers to participate in pension services. The "Time Bank" exchange mechanism has been fully promoted in the community, forming a benign interaction of "serving currency exchange and currency exchange services"; the establishment of a "one street for pension volunteer services" to provide the elderly with wheelchair aids, haircuts, psychological counseling and other services.

The harmonious community has also established the "Harmony Red Alliance", and there are currently 55 units of the Red Alliance. They regularly organize the "Red League Market" activities in Holy Park to provide the elderly with volunteer services such as financial knowledge preaching, New Year condolences, and health lectures. Cooperate with the Red League unit -Hangzhou Water Group Co., Ltd. City West Branch to carry out the "Love Park" operation to install the Internet of Things intelligent remote water meter for the elderly in the area in the area to provide care for the elderly, old age, and difficult elderly people.

Smart help the elderly, harmonious elderly people enjoy digital convenience

Grandma Wang Yalin's children are excellent. After adulthood, they set up their homes in Hangzhou and lived separately. Ten years ago, his wife died of illness, and Grandma Wang began to live alone. "I take the initiative to live alone, and a person's life is very free." Grandma Wang explained to reporters, "Children have their own lives, call me every day, and look at me regularly. We all like the current state of life. "However, after all, 81 years old, people still need help in life. Grandma Wang Yalin used Chongyang on the citizen card to redeem cleaning services. "According to the agreement, the cleaning staff came to my house for hygiene once a week. This service is very practical for older people." Grandma Wang told reporters. In addition, the community also installed the intelligent induction door magnetic for Grandma Wang. If the door is not closed, the induction door magnetic prompt will emit voice. "Sometimes the elderly are not very good. With this smart device reminder, they will not forget to close the door, which is particularly practical." Grandma Wang said. In the bathroom, a one -click call device is also installed. If you suddenly feel uncomfortable, press the button, you can immediately notify the children and the community. "Although I haven't pressed it yet, I feel at ease after pretending, and the children are more assured." Grandma Wang said with a smile.

According to Wu Jie, deputy director of the Hao Hao Community Neighborhood Committee, the community plans to equip the elderly over 60 years of age to configure smoke alarm, inductive door magnetic, one -click call meter and other equipment. In addition to security guarantee, one -click call green button can provide daily services such as taxi, food delivery, and agency. These services will provide real help for the elderly who do not use smartphones. The community also actively conceives data such as the elderly services, medical and health and other departments of civil affairs, health and health, etc., and introduce high -level intelligent algorithms such as NLP neural networks, knowledge maps, and labeling and portrait management of community residents. Disease management and differentiated care needs.

Wu Jie told reporters that the harmonious community preparations for the configuration of healthy hut capsule clinics for residents. Here, residents can do regular physical examination (including 16 conventional testing items) and professional eye screening (accuracy of 96.2%) through medical equipment, and the medical report will be uploaded online to residents. At the same time, there is a one -on -one medical report interpretation to help chronic diseases early discovery. In addition, the healthy hut also has a remote consultation function, which can be connected to doctors in the three hospitals across the country for one -on -one video consultation. The electronic prescription prescribed online, directly send the medicine to the home or take the medicine through the self -service drug cabinet.

The happiness of community residents tests the background of the construction of a common wealth demonstration area. In the future, I hope that more harmonious residents can enjoy high -quality medical and health services and share common fruits of common prosperity.

Reporter Gao Shan correspondent Zheng Hongtao

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