[New Era of Entrusted New Journal] New Era] The Entrepreneurship Competition of Linyi County kicked off

Author:Lintong Rong Media official nu Time:2022.07.15

Cultivated to gathered in the future and win the future. On July 12, the Lintong County Entrepreneurship Competition and College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, hosted by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the County Finance Bureau and other departments of Lintong County and hosted by the Public Employment and Talent Service Center in Lintong County.

In the competition, the entrepreneurial teams from more than 30 companies including Walter Magnetics, Wanda Environmental Protection, and Guanyuan Agriculture played a competitive entrepreneurial style. Players from all walks of life in the first two and three industries use PPT roadshow methods to display their own project background, product introduction, project operations, competition analysis, development and planning one by one, and let the audience and judges investigate their market research, market research, markets Space, product advantages, core teams, core technologies, business models, financial and forecasting, future planning and financing and social benefits have fully grasped and have a deep understanding.

Among the contestants, there are Aida Health Technology Co., Ltd., Kurisonlin Miscellabal Professional Cooperative, Guanyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Zevo Fruit and Vegetable Planting Professional Cooperative, Jiuyi Agricultural Town, and develop wormwood, chestnuts, asparagus, pepper Products such as sauce, industrial industries include Walter Magnetic Electrical Electric, Wanda Environmental Protection, Di Chan New Materials, Xinliba Water Supply Equipment, Bandung Machinery, Pengbo New Materials, Blue Glass, Luguan Packaging and other projects. Quick live broadcast, platform live broadcast, short video and other e -commerce online promotion promoted dancers e -commerce, Honglin fruit product purchase and sales, Super Dream e -commerce, Qinchi wine industry, Yuanling agricultural product management, Shan persimmon industrial park and other projects, fitness services The industry includes Lilidong Rehabilitation Therapy, Doudou Driving, Meiyi Beauty, Zhuo Sen Leisure Fitness and other projects. Non -heritage projects include the hand -woven rope art woven by Jinghan Xuan, Yishan Tea of ​​Yushan Town Yushan Town, etc. Essence Everyone came to the stage to come up with the wonderful performance of "masters" and "excellent life", which made people open their eyes, and experienced the extraordinary style and entrepreneurial passion of entrepreneurial players.

After the competition, Professor Gao Yanpeng, the judge of the competition, guided the players one by one, gave high hopes, continued to dig out the local good products, developed to empower the modern high -end industries, maintain the core competitiveness of modern equipment and new materials industries, protect good knowledge Property rights, build smart agriculture, revitalize rural industries, inherit and protect non -heritage products, give play to the advantages of high -end industries, vigorously publicize the Lintong brand, brand names and boutiques, and achieve creative transformation and innovative development.

Source: Lintong News

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