Grassroots community vitality and tight joint farmers add wings again

Author:China Cooperation Times Time:2022.07.15

□ Our reporter Wang Lei

"Through unified seeds, unified fertilizers, unified pesticides, unified seedlings, and unified planting time, the" Five Unified "model has standardized rice planting and improved rice quality. Members can purchase fertilizer and pesticides uniformly, and they can also enjoy below the market than the market. For the average price of preferential prices, pesticides per mu can save 5 yuan, and chemical fertilizer can save nearly 200 yuan per ton. For members with difficulty in capital turnover, the cooperative also provides guarantees. The big problem. "Hou Dekun, a member of Jiangwan Gongnan Rice Planting in Jiangwan Township, Dalbert, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, told reporters.

As a professional cooperative led by the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative of Durbert County, Bangnong Rice Planting Professional Cooperative has already absorbed 330 farmers' members, and the area of ​​land has been transferred to 15,000 mu. In addition to rice production management, the cooperative also led an agreement with the grain acquisition enterprise to help members sell products outside the market price. As of now, members of Bangnong Rice Planting Professional Cooperatives have increased their income of 5,000 yuan.

Rest assured of agricultural capital supply

Guarantee rice yield to increase income

Jiangwan Township is the rice planting hometown in Durbert County. The local area is guided by green development and developed a continuous paddy field comprehensive breeding base. In recent years, the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives adapt to the market development situation, and has exerted the advantages of the supply and marketing cooperatives to take root in rural areas and serve the "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas." Provide integrity and agricultural capital to seek breakthrough development.

The supply of agricultural capital is the key to local rice yield and farmers' income. Over the past few years, after several rounds of screening and comparison, Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives have selected excellent selection and selection, and have identified several major manufacturers of well -known manufacturers for long -term strategic partners and signed long -term purchase and sales contracts. , Also ensure the smooth supply of agricultural supply supply.

"We have been used to buying farmers from here. We have n’t bought counterfeit and inferior products for more than ten years. We believe in the reputation of supply and marketing cooperatives." Said Liu Hongyan, a big planner. In addition, Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives also combined with local soil conditions and climatic characteristics, and chose the seeds of anti -salt alkali and downfall for local farmers. After practical inspection, the seeds operated by grass -roots society can increase production by more than 100 pounds per mu, which has been well received by local farmers.

The Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative has always adhered to the on -site service of agricultural resources, and sold at the lowest market price, which is beneficial to the people. At the same time, the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative launched the soil measurement formula service. In 2021, the soil measurement formula was realized for 2,000 acres. Harvesting and providing farmers with various consultations such as crop disease, insects, and prevention and control of farmers. As of now, Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative has trained more than 2,000 people. During the epidemic, Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives set up a WeChat platform for agricultural and convenient services to provide farmers with free 600 times of crop field management and agricultural science and technology information services for farmers.

According to statistics, in 2021, the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative sold a total of 1,700 tons of fertilizer, accounting for 45%of the total fertilizer of Jiangwan Township; pesticide sales were 2.2 million yuan, accounting for more than 50%of the pesticide sales in Jiangwan Township, and 35 seed sales reached 35 Thousands of pounds.

"We adhere to the combination of 'grass -roots club+cooperative+crop hospital' service and operation, which has realized the transformation from a single agricultural commodity operator to a comprehensive service organization that integrates agricultural capital operations, technical services, and loans." Bao Congcong, director of Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

In order to promote the agricultural products of independent cooperatives, the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative seized the opportunity to develop the Auda Tower Tourist Scenic Area. The market influence and share of beans, wine and other agricultural products have continued to increase. Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative also uses e -commerce platforms such as Taobao to sell "Ada Tower" brand agricultural and sideline products such as "Ada Tower" brand, which has achieved good returns. In 2021, 580 acres of selenium -rich rice planted by cooperatives only achieved sales revenue of 6.9 million yuan.

Establish a "Flying Defense Alliance"

Modern agriculture showed his skills

Nowadays, it is often seen in the Jiangwan water field that someone is holding the remote control to operate the plant protection drone to fly ultra -low -altitude and spray pesticides. The plant protection drone sometimes hovers and turns sometimes, constantly changing the speed and direction, and the pesticides are sprayed evenly on the rice.

"Farmers have long been commonplace for drones spraying pesticides. In June 2016, the Bangnong Rice Planting Professional Cooperatives, which we led, began to spray pesticides for members of the members." Bao Congcong said.

Bao Cong is also a drone flying hand. He said that the plant protection drone not only saved labor, improved work efficiency, but also reduced pollution.

In 2016, under the support of the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative, with the support of the city and county -level supply and marketing cooperatives, it first included the air defense business into the scope of grass -roots social business, and the plant protection drone also developed from the initial 2 to 6. With the gradually increased demand for the defense business, the Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperative put forward a new idea of ​​"joint cooperation and the market". In July 2019, Jiangwan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and 5 other five companies including Gannan County Feihang Agricultural Service Co., Ltd. and Qiqihar DJI Agricultural Co., Ltd. were engaged in joint cooperation with Flying Defense Plant Protection UAVs to jointly form a "Flying Defense Alliance" and formed New mechanism for cooperative cooperation and risk sharing. As of now, the "Flying Defense Alliance" has 25 plant protection drones, with an annual operating area of ​​200,000 acres. The scope of operation has also expanded from Durbert County to the surrounding areas of Qiqihar to achieve 1.5 million yuan in revenue. "In the past, the six -day workload of the 6th plant security drone was completed at high quality in only 2-3 days." Bao Congcong said. The "Flying Defense Alliance" has more plant protection drones, and the operating price is also more favorable. It is lower than the market price of 0.5 yuan per acre. In addition, the high -quality pesticides of the supply and marketing cooperatives have greatly enhanced the competitiveness of the alliance.

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