Mengjin District Housing Security and Real Estate Services Center concentrates on again

Author:Mengjin Rong Media Time:2022.07.15

On July 14th, at the conference room on the sixth floor of the Housing Security and Real Estate Service Center of Mengjin District, the first half of the year's summary meeting and the work arrangement conference in the second half of the year were held to help the livable Mengjin Cultural Tour of Mengjin Civilization Cities. The light of civilization illuminates the quality of high -quality development, and increases the sub -center of Luoyang.

Secretary Yang Xiaofeng, the housing center of the housing center, keeps in mind the original intention and mission of peace and career in peace, and keeps pace with the times to seize the historical development opportunities of the country, provincial, and municipalities, and use the regional advantages of the Mengjin Economic Circle living circle to integrate the "growth pole and help the deputy to help the deputy The development pattern of the center focuses on the development goals of livable Mengjin and cultural tourism.

At the meeting, the housing office, trading center, old community reconstruction, property management center and other departments work reports in the first half of the year and the work arrangements for the second half of the year. Secretary Yang Xiaofeng took the lead in implementing the convenience measures for public rental housing for public rental housing for the Housing Security Center, properly settled the staff of Geely North District to come to Meng, and give priority to the introduction of 39 senior talent accommodation issues. According to the construction progress, the proportion of regulatory funds is reduced, and the mortgage offices are opened for enterprises to pledge loans, helping enterprises financing, and solving the bottleneck of the development of real estate development enterprises; Director Song Yuwei affirmed the results of the transformation of old communities, which improved the residents of Mengjin residents The living environment and quality of life, especially the application of national funds and planning for planning, are remarkable. Public space, fitness activity center, refined classification of trash cans, stereo express delivery stations, wireless charging parking sheds, urban bookstores, cultural gallery, "face" beautiful, "lizi" beauty, highlighting the cultural heritage of Mengjin, old and old, old and old, old and old, old and old The highlights and characteristics of the reconstruction of the community, the establishment of a civilized city in the 58 property communities in the property management center, the establishment of supervision and supervision of the civilized cities of the property community, and the linkage of the community property company to take responsibility to create standards for the model cities of the table. Polite and beautiful, beautiful and common, physical and mental joy, civilized practitioners, guardians, and jointly guard the happy and beautiful communities. Secretary Yang summarized his speech: turning the concept, strict self -discipline, implementation, promoting improvement. Everyone is colorful, everyone is wonderful, and the light of civilization illuminates the road of high -quality development. It is worthy of reigning and lived up to the times.

Through this summary meeting, the whole center drums up and down, aiming at the goal, firm ideals and beliefs, and continuously improved the quality and ability of the group. Real pressure and fine pressure, implement the long -term mechanism of high -efficiency and effective results, create a beautiful homeland, Mengjin, and the same strength Mengjin, vitality Mengjin, and charm Mengjin. Come to Mengjin Qian. (Guo Shuiyun Xie Chaoyang)

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