Bincheng Public Security: Do the "Four Small" police to gather peace and win satisfaction

Author:Binzhou Daily Time:2022.07.15

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Net News In recent years, the Bincheng Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau adheres to the people's satisfaction as the goal, and the "four small" police will be promoted to start with the disposal of small contradictions, investigate small cases, do small things, and solve small problems. Do every work with your heart and respond to the new expectations of the masses with practical actions.

Focus on sinking to the grid, actively adjust the small contradiction

In recent years, Peng Li Street has vigorously developed the building economy. Based on the development of the Pengli Police Station, the "building police" was launched in accordance with the development of the area under its jurisdiction. The community police served as the "building sheriff" of large commercial buildings. , Extend the police work from a pavement to the floor.

In April of this year, when the farmer was busy, there were disputes between Binbei Township service companies and several farmers. After learning about the situation, the Binbei Police Station analyzed from the perspective of love, reason, and law. The final mediation was successful, agricultural activities were successfully carried out, and the incident was upgraded to the case in a timely manner.

From urban areas to rural areas, the police take the initiative to make the problem solve the source as soon as possible.

"For one step forward, contradictions and conflicts are reduced by one point." Said Fu Chengsong, deputy head of Bincheng District and director of the Public Security Branch, said that inheritance and promoting the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era is the key is In the grid, all kinds of contradictions are found in early and resolved.

In order to sink the center of gravity of contradictions and resolves, Bincheng promotes the "1+2+N+X" urban community police and rural "one village, one police assistant" work to promote the connection of police transfer, court docking, lawyers entering the house Promote police school, police doctor, and police enterprise joint prevention control, form a group defense team such as Jiujiu Red Shield, Aunt Yellow River Aunt, and build a "Bincheng Yi Police" platform and workstation, and gradually take shape of the community of safety construction.

Since the beginning of this year, there are more than 820 contradictory disputes in joint disposal, and more than 260 hidden risks have been resolved.

Strike is prevention, trivial cases are either trivial, turning loss or benefiting people

In early May 2022, a citizen was temporarily placed at the entrance of a hotel in the urban area. After research and analysis, the police found that the suspect was a generation of men.

Subsequently, the police immediately carried out work and quickly arrested the suspects of illegal suspects. Due to the rapid action, people were stolen and obtained, and the stolen red wine was returned.

Bincheng Public Security firmly establishes the concept of "strike is prevention, small cases are small things, loses or benefits the people", and continuously improve the quality of strikes and improve the ability of early warning and prevention.

Instead of looking at the small case, you can do it with your heart. The branch bureau broke the restrictions on professional police types, promoted the "professional team+responsibility zone squadron" trials for investigation models, and reasonably divided three responsible areas. , Complete advantages, go the goal, share the responsibility, and continuously improve the efficiency of strike. Since the beginning of this year, since the reform, the "small cases" of the people's livelihood have improved 100 %, and the economic losses have been raised by 3.41 million yuan.

With the help of the team to handle the case, each police station normally open a small law enforcement classroom, and use case anatomy and other methods to improve the level of investigation in small cases. Since the beginning of this year, there are 18 years of law enforcement class, and more than 1,200 policemen have been trained.

At the same time as the blow, strengthen the normalized dynamic patrol of the society, take the grid as the frontier, integrate the grid forces to participate in clues to discover reports, patrol of key parts, organize safety hazards to investigate and rectify, and carry out anti -fraud, anti -drug, prevent illegal fund -raising publicity and other publicity Education, enhance the safety awareness of the masses, and squeeze illegal crimes.

To do small things, the masses trust more

On June 25, at Licun, Qinhuangtai Township, the Qinhuangtai Police Station held a "I take a picture for the elderly". Washing printing, free gift.

On the eve of the middle and high school entrance examination, students need to apply for identity documents with a large demand. The household registration police walked into the school and "opened" the household registration window at the door of the classroom. With a 10 -minute gap between the class, the students completed the business. At the same time, the "Leave a Beauty" activity is carried out, and the household registration room implements 24 hours of duty and "all -weather" services to facilitate the emergency of the masses.

Trust is from small things. Bincheng Public Security strives to do small things in the lives of the masses as big things, and solve the masses' worry and annoyance with meticulous work and control.

The household administration business connects thousands of households. Bincheng Public Security in the comprehensive service hall of each police station

Promote the acceptance, reservation service, delay service, and on -site service. Minsheng police caravan moves the police's "desk" to the community, schools, hospitals, and enterprises to provide the masses with legal, household registration, and proof to open services.

Deepen the "Internet+" application, promote online micro -police affairs, palm household registration rooms, finger entry and exit and 24 -hour self -service stations, 70 service matters "only run once", 17 high -frequency matters online, 4 approval Matters online pre -trial appointments. This year, more than 57,000 convenient information on various types of convenience is pushed through the online platform, and more than 1,200 various businesses are processed online.

Pastening a small question, the team is better

The public security organs are law enforcement agencies. The legal duties cannot be lost, and team building must be excellent.

In recent years, Bincheng Public Security has adhered to the leadership of party building, and continued to carry out the creation of "combat -type strong party branches and party members vanguard", forming a work pattern of "one unit, one brand, one branch, one characteristic" Li "Li", "Tibetan Lante Police", "Fangyuan Legal System" and other characteristic party building brands have launched demonstration posts such as the Mulan Police Team and Youth Household Registration. The results of various businesses have achieved outstanding results under the leadership of party building. From the weekly conferences from the police stations to the branch bureau, Bincheng Public Security uses the masses' complaints, petitions, and return to visits as "must options".

In May, a number of "basic satisfaction" appeared in the household registration window of a police station in the urban area. After the return visit, the masses believed that the quality of the ID card was not high. The household registration police found that the imaging effect caused by the high roof of the photographic room and the dark lights were poor.

In order to solve the "face value" problem of citizen ID cards, the police immediately contacted technicians to set up special lighting lights to increase the light source and make the imaging softer and more three -dimensional. They also actively invited the return to the people to experience improvement and change.

Implement details of daily management, start with the text office, work discipline, contact the masses, service attitudes, vehicle parking and other small sections, etc., clarify discipline and regulations, and pay close attention to the development of style. Carry out the creation of "no illegal and disciplinary units", build a "major supervision" pattern of integration, and regularly "physical examinations" for the team.

In recent years, the Bincheng Public Security Team has emerged in the national public security system second -level English model Jia Mingyi, and the national outstanding people's police Wang Xiaojing and Sun Yanbing have become a typical example of the city's public security organs.

"Doing every small thing is a norm." Fu Chengsong said, only every step is to take every step, do everything well, start with small things, keep the small festivals, and continue to accumulate and superimposed to make the foundation. Big Ping An ', winning' Great Satisfaction '. "

(Reporter Luo Jun correspondent Xu Yao)

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