"Qingdao Brand Day" Six major sectors can participate online and offline

Author:Network Time:2022.07.15

Xinwang, July 15th, on the afternoon of July 15th, the party secretary and director of the Qingdao Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Bian Cheng, became a guest livelihood online live room to create "Gongfu Qingdao · Zhizhong Qiang City "Urban brand, conduct online communication with netizens.

Citizens can participate in "Qingdao Brand Day" on online and offline online and offline

For the upcoming "Qingdao Brand Day", Bian Cheng introduced that the Qingdao Brand Day will carry out the launching ceremony of the Chinese Brand Development Forum and the "Qingdao Brand Day" launching ceremony, Qingdao brand experience exhibition, Qingdao brand conference and Qingdao International Beer Festival "Gongfu" Gongfu Qingdao's "Night of" Qingdao, Qingdao brand procurement season and "Hi Buyer Summer" promotion event, Qingdao brand opening day, Qingdao brand protection publicity lecture, including the public, and the publicity lectures of the Qingdao brand. Citizens of multiple sectors can participate. For example, the promotional activity of "Hi Buying Yixia" will link Qingdao Jinhua Cultivation Enterprise and Baijiabu Enterprises, integrate corporate stores and retail e -commerce platforms, and promote in the name of "717 Qingdao Brand Day". Can participate.

Liandong U Valley Qingdao Science and Technology Innovation Center project is expected to start construction in November

Some netizens asked what kind of manufacturing projects to introduce by the Liandong U Valley Qingdao Science and Technology Innovation Center project and when will the development start? Bian Cheng responded, Liandong U Valley · Qingdao Science and Technology Center will focus on the new generation of information technology industry chain and cooperate to promote The development of the intelligent manufacturing industry of the industrial chain, focusing on the concept of the "emerging industry application layer", focuses on the introduction of high -value -added Bohwan industrial resources, introduces new generation of information technology and smart manufacturing, etc., and builds a benchmark project for new and old kinetic energy conversion industries. Focus on R & D, design and manufacturing in the fields of precision components, electronic information, and intelligent equipment, and attract and gather upstream and downstream enterprises such as industrial design institutions, professional testing agencies, and software design institutions. The project is expected to start construction in November.

Iron and Steel Factory Industrial Site Park is promoting

Some netizens care about whether Lao Steel Factory can be converted into the Steel Factory Site Park. At present, Qingdao City Investment Group Corporation is being promoted. (Xinwang reporter)

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