"Welcome to the Twenty Singing Mei Jingzhou" Jingzhou original work exhibition activity was held

Author:Jingzhou Daily Time:2022.07.15

In order to welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party, remember and praise the party's great achievements, express the feelings of the love party and hometown, show the charm of Jingzhou, and spread the Jingchu culture. Co -sponsored by the Municipal Party Committee, the Jingzhou Municipal Folk Customs Artists Association, the Municipal Mass Art Museum, the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the Saudi Cultural Federation, and the Saudi Wharf Cultural and Creative Park "Revitalize me with me -Happy Welcome to the United States" Jingzhou The original work performance was held in the Cultural and Creative Park of Shashi Wharf, Jingzhou.

That night, the lights of the Cultural and Creative Garden of Shashi Ocean Wharf, which were unique to Jingjiang, were bright and bright. The show is composed of three chapters of "Don't forget the original intention", "Love in Jingjiang" and "Beautiful Jingzhou". The event kicked off in the melodious melody of men and women's voices, expressing the people's longing for a better life. The male voice solo "The same Dream", "The Search of the Early Heart", and the female voice solo "Longing for Beauty" and "Hugging Spring" expresses the original intention and ambition of Jingjiang's children and the construction of their hometown.

"The River River", "Eternal Chu Yun Love", "We Are Urban Managers", "Jingnan Yi", "My Hom Hom", "My Hometown Laishui Beauty", "Waiting for You Come", "Rose Boys" and other songs , Jingzhou Ancient City, Songzi Lishui and other landscapes are the themes. They can sing the changes in their hometown, praise the happy life, and the clean and tidy city appearance and beautiful scenery of Jingzhou on the background.

The wonderful performance of the original song show not only brings a high -quality audiovisual art enjoyment to the audience in the hot summer, but also stimulates the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and the community, love the party, loves the country, and loves their hometown. The enthusiasm of cities creates a strong creation atmosphere.

Source: Jingzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League

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