EU plans to impose sanctions on Russia's gold!Hungarian Prime Minister: European sanctions against Russia are like "suicide"; Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: It will lead to a global economic recession

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.15

According to China News Service, AFP reports that an EU commissioner said on the 15th local time that the EU will target the gold export of Russia in the next round of sanctions and "close it Exit route.

According to reports, Xiev Joevich, vice chairman of the European Commission, said that the European Union will study "the way to impose sanctions on gold" and supplements, "Once an agreement is reached at the level of a member state, we will announce it."

Photo source: Photo Network-300858888

So far, the European Union has passed six rounds of sanctions on Russia, including the prohibition of importing Russian oil.

At the end of last month, the United States announced that it would ban the import of gold from Russia with members of the Seven Group (G7).

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Pesov responded that the market of precious metals is global and very diverse. Just like all products, if a market loses attractiveness due to illegal decisions, it will re -position place where there are more demand for goods, and places with more convenient and more legal economic systems.

Hungarian Prime Minister: The European economy is in trouble, and sanctions against Russia are like "suicide"

According to overseas networks, Reuters reports that Hungarian Prime Minister Olban Victor said in an interview on the 15th that the European economy has been in trouble and sanctions against Russia are like "suicide."

Olban said, "At first, I thought we were moving to stones and hit their feet." Now it is very clear that sanctions against Russia are like "suicide." He believes that leaders of the EU countries should re -think their strategies and have caused extensive damage to Russian sanctions, but they did not weaken Russia. "Sanctions are not helpful to Ukraine. This way, it will kill the European economy."

In May 2022, Olban Victor was elected as the 5th election of Hungarian Prime Minister Picture Source: Xinhua News Agency

Reuters said that as European countries imposed sanctions on Russia, natural gas supply has been tightened, and fuel costs have also soared. The search for fuel supply channels has become the status quo of European countries.

Hungary has always opposed the embargo of Russia. In an interview with the Hungarian Cosite Radio on June 10, Olban also stated that if the EU continues to sanction Russia and embodies of Russia's natural gas, it will destroy the entire European economy.

Vice Foreign Minister of Russia: Western sanctions on Russia will lead to a global economic recession

According to CCTV News, on the 15th local time, Russian media reported that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Welshine, recently said at the UN Economic Affairs Council forum that Western countries' implementation of unilateral sanctions on Russia will lead to a global economic recession.

Welshining said that as early as the start of Russia's special military operations, a series of error decisions made by Western countries during the new crown epidemic had caused the global raw material market to become turbulent. The unilateral sanctions on the implementation of Western countries on Russia will cause Western countries to fall into inflation themselves.

Daily Economic News integrated from CCTV News, Overseas Network,

Daily Economic News

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