Chengdu Park City International Garden Season opening

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.15

In the recent fire "Menghua Record", there is a plot of tea fighting -competing for the two sides to come up with the best solution and conduct tea art PK. This afternoon, an event on "Douhua" opened in Chengdu -this is the construction of the Chengdu Park City International Garden Season and the Fifth Beilin International Garden Construction Week in 2022. From the 244 works from many college teams at home and abroad, the 16 student team excellent works standing out of the construction were settled with 4 designer gardens to build a "Dream Garden" and launched a "flower art competition" in the botanical garden. This afternoon, the opening ceremony was held. It is reported that these bamboo gardens will open exhibitions to the public from July 19th to August 10th.

The "Douhua" event fell for the third time in Chengdu

"The garden season is not only a characteristic activity that brings together the vitality of the city's innovation and increases the charm of the park's city, but also a rare exchange and display platform for teachers and students and professional teams in colleges and universities. 'The event has been successfully held in Chengdu for two sessions, which greatly enriches the cultural experience of citizens and tourists, and also brings fresh ideas to the construction of the park city. "One of the organizers of the event, Gu Li, one of the organizers of the Chengdu Park City Construction Administration, Gu Li, The army said that from the first place to the demonstration area of ​​Chengdu Park City, from the ideal blueprint to the presentation, everyone witnessed the continuous growth of Chengdu Park City, where the city of people's city is harmonious. Over the past four years, the city pattern of "one mountain and two wings" has continued to consolidate. Space continues to beautify. "We pay attention to the integration of natural ecology and functional space in the urban scale, but also pay attention to the combination of forest flowers and plants in a livable environment." He said.

According to reports, this year's 2022 Chengdu Park City International Garden Season was guided by the China Scenic Garden Society and the International Bamboo and Teng Organization. The bureau jointly sponsored and officially opened the construction week.

20 groups of works will be shining

After the opening ceremony this afternoon, the players will have three days of construction of the "Dream Garden". The construction content includes a landscape structure with bamboo as the main material and a garden space with it. According to the relevant person in charge of the organizer of the activity, the use of bamboo as the construction material shows the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, and also fully reflects the characteristics of Chengdu. The bamboo structure built this time is mainly based on bamboo or bamboo pieces of weaving techniques. It is a possibility of exploring bamboo as a structural material, compound material and decorative materials.

From today's 20 groups of rich creative inspiration and artistic aesthetics, the work will vividly interpret "Chengdu's dream of dreams." Most of these bamboo gardens are based on the natural posture and material characteristics of bamboo. The use of plants and bamboo for perfect combination to create a dreamy garden environment. In the dream garden, there are comfortable shades, swaying light and shadow; dreams of dreams and healing gardens; swaying flowers and soft lusions; long history and quiet harbor. Some deconstruct a space -time shuttle with the toughness of bamboo, and some construct the plum charm of "sparse shadow, shallow water clear water, dark fragrance floating moon and dusk".

The result of "Douhua" was presented in the botanical garden from July 19th to August 10th

Wang Xiangrong, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Beijing Forestry University School of Garden University, who participated in the opening ceremony, believes that the proposal of park cities has opened a new chapter in the development of Chinese cities in the new era, and also pointed out the direction of the high -quality construction of Chinese cities in the future. In the urban construction and practice of the park, Chengdu has been protecting and maintaining the landscape structure of the area, continuously improves the ecological network of the city, and uses it as an ecological infrastructure to cope with the complex environmental problems that occur in urban development, build an artificial environment and nature Harmony and balance make Chengdu a healthy city with ecological toughness.

Zheng Xi, dean of Beijing Forestry University, said that from the design of the students, we can see that these works reflect the extraordinary imagination and design creative ability of the garden students and industry practitioners today.

In the upcoming site construction, the designer and the builder will transform the blueprint into reality with the support of the staff in front of the stage.

It is reported that the awards ceremony of the Garden Season Works Awards will be held on July 19, and the "gardening enters the citizen life" salon event will be launched at that time. From July 19th to August 10th, these works will be opened to the public.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News reporter Yuan Hong, responsible editor of He Qietie, an intern editor of Lu Yarui, a picture organizer

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