In June, foreign trade created a record high, and the exports increased by 22% compared with the same period last year.

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.07.15

21st Century Business Herald reporter Zhao Zijian Beijing report

China ’s foreign trade quickly reversed the trend of the growth rate in April in May and June. The import and export volume and export volume in the month of June reached a record high.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs, the total value of China's goods trade import and export in the first half of this year was 1.98 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.4%year -on -year. Among them, exports were 11.14 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.2%; imports were 8.66 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.8%. From a single month, the total imports and exports in China were 3765.7 billion yuan in June, a year -on -year increase of 14.3%. Among them, exports were 2207.9 billion yuan, an increase of 22%; imports were 1557.8 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8%.

On July 15, the National New Office held a press conference to introduce the operation of the national economy in the first half of 2022. Fu Linghui, spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Comprehensive Statistics Department of the National Economic Economic Bureau, said that since this year, the world trade growth has weakened momentum, and the global manufacturing PMI export order index has been located below the Rongku Line for 4 consecutive months, but my country's foreign trade has entered Exports to overcome the adverse effects of external environment tightening and short -term impact of the epidemic, maintaining rapid growth, and reflecting the strong toughness of my country's foreign trade.

Interviewed experts said that in June, my country's foreign trade innovation high is the inevitable result of stabilizing market entities in many aspects of the country. The dividends with complete supply chain in my country's industrial chain have also been released after a comprehensive resumption of labor. Two markets. The stable growth of foreign trade in the first half of the year laid a solid foundation for the overall foreign trade stability and quality.

Exports increased by 22% year -on -year

Customs data show that China ’s goods exports were 2207.9 billion yuan in June, a year -on -year increase of 22%. Since January this year, the growth rate has exceeded 20%.

Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an interview with the 21st Century Business Herald that the comprehensive resumption of work in June provided support for my country's foreign trade and reflected the advantages of my country's industrial chain supply chain.

"In May, the Yangtze River Delta and other regions promoted the resumption of work and re -production of key enterprises. These enterprises were raised by less upstream to ensure the smooth operation of my country's foreign trade. With the comprehensive resumption of labor in June, my country's industrial chain supply chain can operate quickly and release to release and release them. Bonus, this also fully shows the toughness of my country's exports, "Bai Ming said.

Zhao Ping, deputy dean of the Research Institute of the China Trade Council, told the 21st Century Economic Herald that with the support of foreign trade assistance to enterprise rescue policies, the promotion of RCEP promotion and implementation effectively improved the efficiency of enterprises to enjoy the import and export scale, export tax refund and port clearance inspection. Logistics guarantee and conservation to accelerate the restoration of the supply chain of the foreign trade industry chain, promote the replenishment of foreign trade import and export growth in May and June, and provide important support for stabilizing foreign trade.

In response to the difficulties and uncertain factors encountered in foreign trade operations, my country's support policies have been introduced densely. On January 11, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Doing a Good Cross -cyclical Regulation to further Stable Foreign Trade"; on May 26, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Institute of Foreign Trade Preservation and Steering"; on May 31, the State Council issued issued "Policies and Measures of Stable Economy".

In terms of products, in June, China's export mechanical and electrical products were 1.22 trillion yuan, an increase of 16.6%; exported clothing and clothing attachments were 120.46 billion yuan, an increase of 23.5%; exporting agricultural products were 56.15 billion yuan, an increase of 28.3%.

Bai Ming said that the driving of mechanical and electrical products is one of the important factors for my country's export growth rate. In the case of rising global grain prices and tight supply, although China's grain, oil and food exports are not large, they are also welcomed by the international market, especially in terms of green agricultural products.

In June, China exported 347.15 billion, 335.75 billion, and 373.34 billion yuan in the top three trading partners, respectively, an increase of 33.6%, 20.9%, and 23.5%, respectively. my country's exports to ASEAN exports are significantly higher than the European Union and the United States.

Bai Ming said that from the establishment of the China -ASEAN Free Trade Zone to version 2.0, it is now actively creating the China -ASEAN Free Trade Zone version 3.0. Docking and division of labor, economic linkage. The RCEP that enabled this year has made up for the lack of free trade agreement and brought new increment.

Foreign trade preservation and stability have a good foundation

On July 14, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jianting, responded to the 21st Century Business Herald as questioning that in the first half of the year, the net export of goods trade was 2.48 trillion yuan, an increase of 57.5%year -on -year. , Maintaining economic operations to make positive contributions in a reasonable range.

What about the trend of foreign trade in the second half of the year?

Zhao Ping believes that at present, my country's foreign trade is mainly facing three challenges. One is the uncertainty that the mutation of the new crown virus to the economy and society. Changes in various countries may cause new disturbances to foreign trade supply chains. Second, the risk of global economic stagflation has been further increased. The price of commodities in the world is still high. The interest rate hikes in major economies have led to the risk of economic recession in Europe and the United States. Third, the base of foreign trade imports and exports in the second half of last year and high growth rates, which put a lot of pressure on the year -on -year growth rate of foreign trade imports and exports in the second half of this year.

"For foreign trade in the second half of the year, we should maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude." Bai Ming said that the stabilized foreign trade measures issued by the state and local governments played an important role in stabilizing market entities. The decline in the price of sea transportation and commodities also helped reduce the operating cost of the enterprise. However, the repeated epidemic, the economic recession of the major economies such as Europe and the United States, and geopolitical conflicts have increased the uncertain factors facing foreign trade in the second half of the year. Shu Jianting pointed out that in the second half of the year, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on the 4 aspects to promote the achievement of the "stability and quality" goal:

The first is to reduce costs and increase efficiency and stabilize the main body of the foreign trade market. Strengthen the docking of "political and bank enterprises", guide financial institutions to precise drip irrigation, and reduce corporate financing costs. Promote accelerating the progress of export tax rebates and reducing the pressure of corporate funds. Guide to strengthen the supply and demand docking of the cabin and reduce the cost of the company's sea transportation.

The second is to strengthen protection and stabilize foreign trade production circulation. Give full play to the role of work mechanisms related to foreign trade and the work mechanism of logistics insurance, strengthen the production and operation guarantee of foreign trade enterprises, and timely unblock logistics blockage points. Promote the cost of reducing the import and export of enterprises.

The third is to grab orders to help companies open up the market. Give full play to the role of trade unblocked working group, make good use of the signing of free trade agreements, and guide enterprises to accurately open up the international market. Continue to organize international exhibitions such as the Expo, Canton Fair, Service Fair, and Council, and guide local and industry associations to build a number of online national exhibitions, professional exhibitions, and characteristic exhibitions.

The fourth is to promote innovation and cultivate new growth points for foreign trade. Encourage innovation, green, and high value -added products to open up the international market. Continue to strengthen new business formats such as cross -border e -commerce, overseas warehouses, market procurement, comprehensive foreign trade services, bonded maintenance and re -manufacturing. Accelerate the cultivation of digital trade, green trade and related market entities.

Zhao Ping told the 21st Century Business Herald that the leading role of giving full play to the leading role of foreign trade formats is one of the focus of promoting foreign trade to maintain stability. According to the investigation of the China Trade Council Research Institute, 42.43%of foreign trade enterprises in the second quarter believe that comprehensive foreign trade services have the greatest role in promoting exports, and 21.2%of foreign trade companies believe that cross -border e -commerce has the most role.

Fu Linghui said at today's press conference that my country's foreign trade import and exports are stronger. The current Hong Kong and export logistics guarantee continues to advance. The quality improvement has a good foundation.

"From the perspective of the first half of the year, the layout of my country's foreign trade import and export market has become more balanced, and the growth and export amount of foreign trade in major economies has been handled together. The balanced development of the European and American markets and emerging markets, especially the exports of countries along the Belt and Road," Growth has also further improved my country's foreign trade ability. "Zhao Ping said.

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